Chapter 12: Pity

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Meta Knight slammed the door and sprinted down the hallway. All of his thoughts were on the child's safety. After everything that happened a month ago, he couldn't bear to think about what the pranksters had done to the child.

He had been looking over the two often while they worked. He knew they were both still angry over the previous events. Meta just hoped they didn't hurt the poor tot.

He made it to the stairs and quickly ran down them, skipping a few steps, as he hit the bottom. He dashed into the hallway and scared a couple Waddles Dees, who were shocked to see him run out the castle entrance.

He saw the snow falling from the sky and remembered that it was snowing. He had noticed earlier while walking the hallways of the castle but didn't pay any attention to it. Dedede and him had been discussing some things today, so he hadn't left the castle.

He also realized that he had no winter gear on. "Damn it" thought the knight turning back towards the door. He was about to go back and get his winter gear when he reminded himself of the puff. He forgot about the gear and started to run towards the child's home.

He sprinted as fast how he could. It would be hard for any normal person to run in this snow but Meta Knight had run in much heavier snow before, so this wasn't so hard for him. Some snow fell into his shoes but the knight ignored the chill that was now in his boots.

As he ran through the snow, he thought about the toddler. The little puff could have been just fine and having a good sleep right now. Meta Knight didn't understand why but he had a gut feeling that something was wrong. The soldier knew this feeling was usually right but he still hoped it wasn't.

The knight finally at the house in his sight. Seeing the snow covered home, he started to pick up the pace. He was freezing, especially around his mask and feet.

He arrived at the home and quickly knocked on the front door. He tapped his foot as he waited, mostly to try and warm his foot up. He suddenly felt anxious. He wasn't answering.

He walked around the home as he heard his feet crush the snow beneath him. He walked up to the window. He quickly wiped the window and looked inside.

He saw that the home was very messy. Food was scattered all over the floor. The trash can was tipped over with papers and cans were in front of it. A couple of chairs were laying on the ground too. The place looked a mess. It made the knight cringe. He didn't think the child was this messy.

He looked down towards the bed as his eyes widened. The child wasn't there.

There wasn't really anything on the bed. He could see something under the covers but he assumed it was a stuffed animal. It was definitely too small to be Kirby. It also wasn't Kirby's shape, it was more of an oval than a sphere.

Meta Knight grew worried. Thoughts filled his mind of what could have happened to him. He started to look around the house and didn't find any signs of the toddler.

He knew that he could be overthinking things. They were probably having a sleepover with Tiff and Tuff!

Meta Knight was almost certain that wasn't true though. He had recently just seen them after talking to their parents. Kirby wasn't with them. There was almost no chance he could be there.

He knew that looking by running around wasn't going to work. He closed his eyes as his wings came out of his back. He walked back as he started to shake. He instantly felt his wings tremble at the touch of snow. He tried his best to ignore it as he looked towards the night sky. He ran forward and leaped as he flapped his wings.

He flew into the sky, looking around for any sight of the puffball. He started to move past the tree, leaving a breeze behind.

Why was he so concerned for the child? He didn't understand why he was caring about him. They never were close and if anything they were rivals! They have helped each other in the past however but they still have had more battles. Why was he so worried?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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