Chapter 10: Shivers

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A month had gone by since the incident. The village was looking a lot better. The food was finally all gone and now a lot of buildings looked cleaner then they did before. The restaurant had also been rebuilt by the knights and some Cappies. Kawasaki was now back in business.

Kirby was running through the village with a basket of apples. He was going to have a picnic with Tiff and Tuff!

Sadly the child hadn't talked to them for a while. Tiff and Tuff were upset over the village being basically destroyed so they stayed home for a while. Kirby was happy nevertheless to see them again.

Kirby tumbled as he ran up the hill towards the spot they were going to have a picnic. He stopped however as he reached the top of the hill.

The child saw more people then he had expected. He had guessed that Honey, Iro, and Spikehead were going to be there and he was right about that. What he didn't expect to see was the other three.

Susie was next to Tiff, giggling about something. Kirby didn't mind her being there but she was pretty scary.

Sadly for the puff, Marx and Magolor were there. They both were talking to each other as they ate a sandwich. Kirby started to back up at the sight of them. Maybe he could just sneak away-

"Hey Kirby! Come on up! Hope you don't mind having more people here!" shouted Tiff, waving at the tot as she saw him. Everyone else looked at him.

Kirby didn't see everyone else's expressions as he was focused on the two troublemakers' faces. He could see the smirks on their faces.

The child silently walked slowly up the hill towards the group. He sat down quietly next to Tiff, hoping she would protect him.

"Thanks for bringing the apples!" said Tuff as he took the basket from the tot.

"Tuff, don't just take it from him!" scolded Tiff.

Tuff ignored her and started to dig into his food while talking to his Cappy friends.

Tiff went back to talking to Susie which left Kirby with the two he didn't want to speak to.

"Hello Kirby! Haven't seen you in a while?" asked Magolor, in a friendly manner.

"Yeah buddy... how has your life been?" asked Marx, in a not so friendly way.

Kirby looked at both them and started to move towards Tiff.

"Poyo good.... ummm poyo?" said the child not knowing what to say.

"Why don't you start eating? The food is great!" said Magolor, while eating an egg.

"WAIT ISN'T THAT CANNIBALISM?!?!?" shouted Marx, with his mouth wide open.

"I AM NOT ACTUALLY A EGG!" said the egg, giving Marx an annoyed look.

"Yeah yeah whatever!" said Marx, as he grabbed an apple from the basket.

The gang all ate there, chatting. The only silent one was Kirby, who was worried about being here. Luckily for Kirby, the picnic wasn't too long, as randomly a snowflake landed on Susie.

"Wait, don't tell me it is going to snow!" said Susie looking up at the sky to see more snow fall.

"I know we are in wintertime now but it was so sunny this morning!" stated Tiff, just as surprised as Susie was.

"Well I think we should get ready to pack up. Snow could fall fast." Susie got up and started to pack her things.

"Awwww come on! I don't want to leave! Can't we play something?" asked Tuff, giving his sister an upset look.

A Little Star Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora