Chapter 20

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"It was good seeing ya, Yoongs!" Jungkook called out.

Yoongi turned around and gave a small wave and half smile. I was a bit worn out from the event that took place. I didn't even wave Jungkook goodbye because I was bound to go lay down. At least that was until Yoongi stopped me from opening the door.

"Is your aunt home?" he asked.

"Sh-She won't b-b-be back 'til l-later," I said.

"The night is still young," he looked up at the darkening sky, "Let's go."

"G-Go? W-W-Where?" I questioned.

Yoongi looked at me for a moment and then grabbed my hand. He dragged me down the street. I almost tripped a few times because I couldn't keep up with him. I watched as a few cars passed us; children in the back seats would stare.

Looking at the back of Yoongi's head, I could tell he was excited somehow. However I was quite nervous since I didn't know the city as well as he did. After all, Yoongi lived almost seven years before coming back to home: where we grew up together.

After a small portion of running, Yoongi began to pant and slowed to walking. I was already panting halfway to the place we were now. He never let go of my hand and stayed in front of me. My heart was racing, but I felt at peace, despite of the running.

I didn't know where we were going, but it seemed to be pretty far from my aunt's house. I thought for a few minutes of where we could be going, but nothing from Busan. I hardly even knew what all was in this city, but Yoongi did.

Soon we came to a small park with random lights everywhere. Was this where Yoongi played when he was little? Yoongi then stopped at the swings and motioned for me to sit on one of them as well as he did. I looked around in curiosity since it was sort of dark.

"To be honest with you," he said, "I have no idea where we are."

I chuckled softly, "Wow."

Yoongi pointed up at the sky, "See it?"

I looked up as well, "S-S-See what?"

My eyes searched the sky for whatever he was pointing at. All I saw was a bunch of stars clattered along with a red, but blue dark sky. Although the stars were pretty, I couldn't see what he was seeing. Before I could do anything else, I felt his lips on my cheek. My eyes widened.

Yoongi and I suddenly locked eyes. His face went pink as well as mine did. There was a silence before anything. No one was speaking and it seemed both of us were scared to. Yoongi then looked at the ground and took a deep breath.

"S-Sorry," he said, "I just know you probably would've fell over if it was the lips."

"N-No," I said.

Yoongi looked up and smirked. I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to speak, but was surprised with him grabbing the chain of my swing. He then pulled us together to where our knees were touching. We then drawled in closer to each others faces.

My heart was beating quickly as we became closer. It was something bold of me, but I didn't care at the time. Yoongi and I were one now. That's all I cared about. Nothing could've ruined this moment ever. Not even getting ran off by patrol.

After we finished we headed back to my aunts. It was a bit silent, but I assumed we were both flabbergasted with each other. Especially since it wasn't like me to do something out of character. However, Yoongi seemed to be all smiles and so was I.


I woke up to the sound of a car door slamming. My heart began to pound hard. My aunt must've been home now. Instantly I nudged Yoongi in the ribs. He woke up rubbing his eyes and giving me a death glare. 

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