Chapter 2

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The rain was everlasting as it seemed to never stop. My bedroom was darker than usual as well. I kept the lights off most of the time. All the light that came in was the sun coming in my windows. Exept it was fairly cloudy aside from the rain. My eyes only shifted between the passing pedestrians below.

It was the beginning of spring break. Luna had gone back to China to visit her grandparents for the time being. Meanwhile I was stuck here in Korea. The rain was everlasting as it seemed to never stop. My bedroom was darker than usual as well. I kept the lights off most of the time. All the light that came in was the sun coming in my windows. Exept it was fairly cloudy aside from the rain. My eyes only shifted between the passing pedestrians below.

It was the beginning of spring break. Luna had gone back to China to visit her grandparents for the time being. Meanwhile I was stuck here in Korea. Maybe I should go and do something today rather than just sit here and groan. There wasn't anything to do though. Usually I just went out with Luna whenever we could.

I laid my head against the windowsill. It was cold and felt nice against my warm forehead. The need to do something productive hung around like an unwanted spirit. The only thing that was getting in my way was the process. Even if I could do something productive, what would that something be? Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

"Joyang?" my dad entered.

"Yeah?" I turned to him.

"Can you run to the store for me?" he asked.

This was my excuse to go out, "Sure."

"Alright," he cleared his throat, "I made you a short list since I know you'd forget."

"Thanks dad," I said.

He only nodded after giving me the list of grocery items and left my room. I made my way out the door and to the store down the street. My eyes looked over the list a couple of times. Bread, water, eggs, ramen, and minced onions. More like a recipe for disaster. My dad would surely make a mess of these items one way or another.

I gulped as I walked in the doors of the store. There were a lot of people, but I had a quest. Rechecking the list, I saw that my thumb was covering yogurt. Last time there wasn't any, so hopefully there was this time. Each step was like a closer death sentence to my well being.

Everyone soon became blurry as I focused on the items of the list. My dad never specified what kind of bread, so I grabbed rye and wheat and threw it in the cart. I began to push the cart and accidentally ran into a fairly tall male. He quickly turned around and gave me a dirty look.

"Joyong?" he scoffed, "Still having no sense of direction, huh?"

"Y-Yoongi oppa?" I mumbled.

"Don't call me oppa," he rolled his eyes.

"S-Sorry," I apologized.

"Why are you stuttering?" Yoongi asked, "You've known me since childhood. Aish, did you forget me that quick?"

I couldn't believe my eyes. The childhood friend I haven't seen in years was right here in front of me. Leaning against my cart, he hadn't changed in his personality. But he changed alright. I hardly even recognized him in fact. Yet he recognized me so quickly. The only words I could make out wouldn't come out.

Wish Granted -YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now