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You and Jungkook are walking holding hands. You're so happy, you feel so safe.

Wind is making your hairs swing in the air some of them are coming over your face. He tucks those to the back of your ear.
"Y/N, you're so beautiful, you know" he says staring at you.
You don't believe him because you think you aren't anything compared to him. He's so handsome. So beautiful.
"I want to confess something Jungkook" you say holding both his palms.
"What is it "he say looking right through your eyes
"I love you Jungkook" you confess and start blushing.
"I love you too baby" he says to you and hugs you.


So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost


Your alarm rings and you curse yourself for waking up, you look at the time it's 7 a.m.
You dreamt about him again.
It's been a month since you met him but you still can't get over him.
You keep thinking about him, you keep dreaming about him.

When he saved you that night. That night is the sweetest memory you have right now, sweetest and only memory of him.
The next day both of you headed to Seoul you were sitting behind him in his bike.
He was talking the whole way and you were just listening to him. Only giving replies to his questions.

You were so lost in his voice. How can someone's voice and accent be that attractive. Everything about him was attractive even the tips of his hair.

By this time you knew he's an artist, freelancer. He earns much more than you but still rides a bike because he likes them. He thinks roads are more beautiful when we travel in four wheelers.
You told him you're a junior developer in an IT company.

"Are you still cold" your arms were tightly wrapped around him made him check upon you.

"No, I'm okay. I'm not cold"you sneezed

"Oh you got a cold"he stopped his
motorcycle and touched your forehead with his head.

"You have a low fever y/n, I hope it doesn't get bad" he started his bike and almost rode the whole way using one hand.
His other hand was on your back to make sure you don't fall if you start feeling dizzy.

He stopped at the first hospital he saw as soon as you reached Seoul.
He patiently waited for your turn.
When it was your turn he got a phone call.
He came back and saw you getting an IV.

"I wish I could drop you home but I've to go Y/N. Give me your phone" You gave him it after unlocking it.

He dialled a number from your phone and his phone rang.

"This is my number y/n, call me when you reach home" You wanted to hug him badly but you just held his hand.

"See you sometime" you passed a smile and he smiled back at you and removed his hand from your grip.

That was the last time you saw him.
You called him after reaching home and told him that you reached safe and sound, that you are fine now just a little fever and cold. You sneezed and coughed a few timed in the call so he advised you to drink something hot.

and that's it.

that's it.

That was the last time he picked up your call. You dial his number but the phone never rings. It's always out of reach. You text him daily but he never replied.
Not for once.

It's been a week since you haven't tried calling him but you just text him now.

Hey Jungkook, How are you?

Still no reply.

In the last month you have been to so many art galleries, more than you ever visited your entire life.
Just in a hope to see him again.
You always scan the whole art galleries , every corner, each person.

You are a little different than how you use to be a month before.
You've become more friendly than how you use to be back then.
Now you give time to yourself too, you take less stress and aren't a workaholic you used to be.

On that cold endless road, when you thought you're gonna die. When you started regretting your life. That incident changed you. You enjoy your life more.
You are really happy with everything else.
Everything else is just perfect now.

There's only one thing you miss. One one person.

Only one person

You go to work and decide to go on clubbing after work with your friend Hanna.

She's your colleague and your friend.
You weren't that open to her before, but now when you cherish everything more, You never miss a chance to go out and have a good talk or time with her.

You wear a red crop top and high waist black shorts with black boots.
You look in the mirror and say 'Sexy and comfy' and wink to yourself.

It's your second time to a club. You really enjoyed your first time on club with Hanna a week ago.
You aren't a drinker. You've hardly drank 3-4 times in your life. Your alcohol holding capacity is better than your first time but you start talking endlessly if you get high, or you start to do crazy things.

The club is really alive. Loud music is making you dance like a puppet. You're dancing like there's no one watching you. Moving every inch of your body.

"Want a drink" Hanna asks .
"No no, you don't wanna see me being a monster do you?" she giggles and goes to drink.

You are dancing like there's no tomorrow.
Just then your eyes lend on someone and you freeze.
In the darkness of club all you see is his proportions.
He dance so well, with sharp moves, his body is hitting each and every beat.
You don't move at all just look at him.

He's on a certain distance and you can't muster up the courage to go to him. You can't go to him and ask
'is he ignoring you.'
You are so happy seeing him, you're so thankful to him. But you are nervous.

Then a girl come close to him and say something on his ear. You can't hear them obviously in the loud music and they start dancing together.

She getting really close, her back facing Jungkook and just when they get so close that their bodies collides you get so jealous and walk away.

You go to Hanna who is drinking at the liquor counter, sit beside her and look at Jungkook again.
"I need a drink" you tell the man standing behind the counter.
"What would you like to have mam" he ask in a soft voice.
"Something really strong" Hanna smirks and ask "Something strong, Now you want your crazy monster to come out"

You drink three shots, staring at Jungkook after each shot.
He's still busy dancing with that girl.
The girl is beautiful making you feel insecure.

"Your body is so beautiful y/n, you're so beautiful" you hear his voice again and again inside your head. You still remember each and everything he said to you that night.

But does he remember you?what if the girl is his girlfriend?
Is he single? You don't know that.
The alcohol is now flowing in your veins.

"Wow who's that man there, he's so hot" says Hanna drinking her glass of whiskey staring at Jungkook.
You don't reply, you just stand up and forward your steps towards him.

Fear is growing inside you, what if he doesn't recognise you.
Tons of *what if* in your mind but you still keep going.
You can't hear any music right now, You only feel your heart going crazy.

You tap him in his back but he doesn't respond. He's so lost in dancing.
You tap him again and he still doesn't turn around.
You tap on his shoulder and finally he turn towards you.
"Y/n" he widen his eyes in surprise.

A/n-What's coming next???

All right this is the 2nd last chapter and I'll upload just one chapter and end it.

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Love you all


Your Saviour Jungkook | 21+Where stories live. Discover now