Epilogue 1(Slightly M)

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After a year

You were cooking different things Jungkook likes. You tasted everything and made sure it tasted good.

Then you start decorating the apartment you and Jungkook share.

You stared at the wall of the hall after finishing the decorations.

The whole wall was adorned with pictures of both of you together, Jungkook looked so cute in some of them and so hot in some. You always wonder how your boyfriend can be so cute like a baby and still be the most handsome man you've ever seen.

String lights all over the place were making everything even more beautiful in it's soothing yellow light.

The reflection was shining in your eyes.

Whole floor was filled with balloons and the smell of aromatic candles was adding more to the good vibes.

You wore a pretty red dress and did some light makeup.

You checked the time and called Jungkook. He picked up after two rings.

"Hey sweetie"He was smiling on the other side but of course you couldn't see it.

"Don't call me sweetie Kooki, it's gonna be 12 o'clock. Where are you"You said in a stiff tone. You want him next to you at 12 o'clock at any cost.

"Babe I'm coming home, just stuck in traffic. I'll be there soon, don't worry and sleep"You frowned. Jungkook never said he's stuck in traffic because his bike can pass through traffic easily because he rides it like a stuntman.

On top of that he told you to sleep, does he not remember what day is it?

"Okay, don't pass through narrow gaps between cars like you always do. I can wait"

"Okay bye"


You started placing food on the table and at last you placed a cake.

The messy cake which you made after watching tons of videos on YouTube about how to make cake.

You slowly punched the candles into the cake and then placed a happy anniversary stick over it.

You looked back at the clock.

It was 12:05am already, you groaned in annoyance. Why did Jungkook have to be busy on this day when he usually comes home before you arrive home.

You sat on the couch , eyes locked on the door.

You again looked at the clock and it showed 12:30, it's been only 25 minutes but it feels like you sat there for hours.

Why does time pass so slowly when you are waiting for someone??

Finally the door was open at 12:40, you went running towards the door and hugged the tall figure.

He lifted you slightly above the ground and pecked your neck.

"Sorry for making you wait babe and why are you still awake" he took a strand of hair which was falling on your face and placed it behind your ear.

"Gosh, you look so beautiful"

He looked around and his mouth was open in surprise, eyes shining in happiness.

"You did all of this? it's beautiful"You didn't reply, instead you frowned and walked away from him.

He doesn't even remember the day and here you were excited as a kid.

He stopped you by holding your wrist and pulled you towards him making your chests collide. He wrapped his arms around your waist.

"How many times have I told you not to walk away from me like that"He pulled you close, closing the gap between you two.

Your Saviour Jungkook | 21+Where stories live. Discover now