I made about twenty-five onigiris and decided to buy some drink for them before practice ends, I'll have Mayumi and Mikazuki watch them to make sure they're not slacking off. I have to make sure the drinks are cold so I absolutely needed to buy them before practice ends, I can't have them drinking some lukewarm drink after some exhausting practice. Lukewarm drinks after a hot practice is absolutely disgusting. I made sure to put their bento boxes, water bottle -Reiko has a water bottle and a milk box since she loves them- I always had a piece of fruit in their bento boxes and their favourite was apple or grapes.

"I'm going." I softly said to Rintarō who was eating his breakfast while talking to Reiko about volleyball tips. He waved me a small goodbye and I left the house, making my way to the café where I always bought my usual coffee.

Listening to the music that played in my ears, my mask that was tucked in behind my ears I carefully fixed. Checking my wallet if it was there, checking my other pocket if I had the house keys and of course making sure I had my phone. I looked to the house where there was always a grandma that always waved at me when I walk pass by, I already see her sitting in front of her house in the patio with her rocking chair. Her eyes were squinted,  her skin crumpled like paper, there was always this shawl wrapped around her that kept her warm even though it was summer.

I walked pass her and gave her a wave. "G'morning kiddo." She smiles at me while she waves at me. She was always like this, greeting me the first thing in the morning as if was her routine. I'm pretty sure she has grandchildren because one time I met her in the grocery she said that I went to the same school as her grandchildren, when we were walking back to our houses she talked about how they were always energetic and stuff like that. She must be a very sweet grandma I always thought.  Her mouth forms a small 'o' then it ends with a smile.

"Y/n." Hearing Suijin's  deep voice under the bright sun set my heart in a bit of a race. "What's up with you waking up so early in the morning princess?" Suijin always treated me like his girlfriend, calling me princess, baby, babe or anything couples call each other basically. There was this one time I clearly can recall as if it happened yesterday, he called me darling and everyone around us was shook and has mistaken that we were dating.

"I'm fine Suijin, don't worry. How's life been treating you?" I reply back to him. He talked about his basketball life and how he currently struggled a bit with enhancing his skills more making me nod. I've known Suijin for years, I had known him longer than the Sakamoto twins and Mikazuki. I knew his habits, flaws, his likes or dislikes, we were a pair before we even met those three. "Wanna go to the café with me, my treat." I gave him a small smile, he replies with a small yeah and to the café we go.

Suijin came from a wealthy family, he grew up with polite manners and knows how to address people properly. Suijin's parents were nice, I'm even quite surprised they let him stay here in Hyōgo just to be with me, well I'm more surprised that every one of their parents let them stay in Hyōgo. I heard that the Sakamoto twins were living at their old grandparents house, it was practically empty since their grandparents has already passed. Mikazuki's mom was always outgoing and let her daughter do anything she wants except for bad stuff of course. Suijin's parents were in an arrange marriage of two large companies, his mother always told me how she didn't like her husband at first but suddenly the flowers bloom.

Suijin's parents weren't tight, they were also outgoing like the Sakamoto's parents and Mikazuki's, they had always respected Suijin's decisions and fully supported him. Suijin had godly like features, his beautiful blue eyes that stand out with his natural blond hair, his sharp jawline, beautiful plump lips that pairs in with his deep voice. Suijin and I were like siblings, though he might act like he's my boyfriend; like holding hands, being together almost 24/7. Suijin was over-protective of me if you can't already tell, he knows my whole life story.

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