Who writes a song for you

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Aries: Ticci Toby. It's about you and him eating waffles together. You sing it every day afterwards because you love it so much.

Taurus: Nina the Killer. She writes a song for you, BUT it's about Jeff.

Gemini: Hoodie was supposed to write one but he made up an excuse.

Cancer: Jeff the Killer. A Lullaby.

Leo: BEN Drowned. You write it together, eating chocolate and fries the entire time.

Virgo: Judge Angels. She gets mad because you are forcing her, so she spits on you and breaks your leg.

Libra: You broke in someone's house and told them you're gonna kill them if they don't write a song for you. They do it and you become best friends afterwards.

Scorpio: No one wants to write you a song, so you write one yourself about how amazing you are. You decide to sing it in front of everyone but everybody (even Slenderman) lock themselves in their rooms and do not come out until you fall asleep.

Sagittarius: Lyra's ghost wakes you up in the middle of the night and in a very creepy voice she sings a love song she wrote about you.

Capricorn: Sally. She's too shy to show it herself, so she lets Slenderman read it out in front of you when she's gone.

Aquarius: You say that you don't want anyone to write a song for you, but then you cry when nobody actually does.

Pisces: Eyeless Jack. He can't stop laughing the whole time he's trying to sing it, so you tell him to f*ck off and you leave the room.

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