Who gets mad at you and what happens

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Aries: Jeff, because you stole his knife. He chased you out of the mansion and almost killed you, but you're a sneaky little biatch and you got away.

Taurus: Sally, because she's asked you if you want to play with her and you said no. It's not your fault you're being honest, but she just doesn't understand. She makes sure that you are not going to get any food for a week, but you receive some food from Masky every night when Sally's asleep, so, you're good.

Gemini: Kagekao, because you drank his wine. Afterwards, he realized that probably means you'd be a great person to party with, and now you're getting drunk every day and every night.

Cancer: Ben, because you stole his Nintendo Switch. Now he's mad at you and tries REALLY REALLY HARD to stay mad and not talk to you, but ends up breaking the silence 5 minutes later and gives you food.

Leo: Bloody Painter, because you decided to draw him and then you hung the picture in his room above his bed. He didn't like the drawing, and now he draws on your face every night and tells you you draw really horribly, and that's also what you're woken up to.

Virgo: L.J, because you ate his candies. He then proceeded to explain to you that he was gonna give them to you anyway, but you were supposed to wait until it happens, so, he's still mad. He doesn't talk to you for weeks afterwards.

Libra: Slenderman, because you made fun of him for having no face. Now he's depressed and tries to steal your face in your sleep every night.

Scorpio: Jane, because she's told you she doesn't want you to go to sleep and you didn't listen. Now she hits you in the face, while you sleep, every night, as a punishment.

Sagittarius: Liu, because you kept talking about that one time Jeffrey killed his parents and tried to kill him as well. He decided it would be the best option to just lock himself in his room and not come out for weeks.

Capricorn: Sonic.exe, because you kept telling him he's not God. He got so angry he killed you. Now you're dead. Congratulations.

Aquarius: Toby, because you ate his waffles. Now everytime you get food, he eats it for you and you're probably gonna die from hunger.

Pisces: E.J, because you threatened to eat his kidney after he almost strangled you to death. Now you've woken up and found out he ate your kidney instead.

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