Chapter 4: woods and wild animals

Start from the beginning

I start climbing the tree to the best of my capability. Once I have finally managed to get to a part where thick branches surround me and there is no chance of me falling down from it, I look back to the place where the wolf was sleeping minutes ago.

But it isn't there anymore. A sense of panic settles in my gut until I realize that it's now lying at the foot of the tree, facing the rest of the forest. It must have woken up while I was clumsily climbing. I try to ban the thought that it could have easily bitten my leg off from my thoughts, and instead focus on the vitamin rich juicy food inside my pockets.

While I start eating I observe the wolf. It's enormous, a grayish color, and lounging underneath me. When I'm done with the first apple i see it get up and do a slow circle around the tree, scratching its fur on the bark, before it bounds off to god knows where.

I decide to stay put in the tree for a while longer, for fear that it might come back.

Once I'm done eating I decide I've waited long enough and start to climb down just as the wolf comes back into vision. I quickly cancel my approach and sit back down high above.

It'll get bored and leave at some point right?


It sat there looking through the forest the whole day. It's getting dark again now and the wolf still hasn't moved except for the occasional walk around the tree as if to check the premises.

I hope I don't fall down the tree in my sleep. That's the last thing I need, falling on top of a wild monstrous wolf in the middle of the night.

When I wake up to the song of birds and sunlight blinding me momentarily, I immediately look down. The wolf is still there but snoring peacefully a bit further away now.

And that's when I notice it. Apples on the ground beside the tree roots. Am I going crazy? Because as far as I noticed, those weren't there yesterday and this sure as hell ain't an apple tree I'm sitting on.

The wolf is snoring, maybe he won't even notice if i go down real quick to grab the apples.

It's both curse and blessing that I'm so dehydrated because my vision is slightly hazy and my head hurts but at least i don't have to figure out how to pee from a tree, twelve feet above the ground.

I start climbing down, my ankle protesting when I do so. When my feet touch the ground I immediately look for the wolf, it's still in the same place as before, only now it's eyes are looking directly at me.

I freeze up. But it doesn't move, just looks at me. I gather the apples and climb the tree as fast as I can. Once I'm in my spot again I look down to see the wolf lying right under me again.


While I eat I start to analyze my situation.

And the more I think about it the more it freaks me out because the only answer i could come up with is that the wolf brought me the apples.

That's not an answer i am willing to accept.

Fuck, I can't think, my head hurts too much.

My throat feels on fire and the juice from the fruits is only aggravating my thirst, but I guess it's better than nothing.


I don't know when it happened or why, but I must have fallen asleep because now I can feel myself slipping.

You know those dreams where you fall into nothing, I started getting that feeling until I realized that I was actually falling off the fucking tree.

Time slowed, my breath caught in my throat and I could hear my blood pounding though my ears until I heard my back hit the ground with a loud thud.

I couldn't breath. My airway felt clogged up and I was gasping until finally being able to take relatively normal breaths.

Then the sobs started. I couldn't hold them back, I was sure this is how i'd die. My back felt glued to the earth underneath me, it throbbed and hurt as if to make sure my last minutes or hours would be as miserable as possible.

Then there was whimpering, only that didn't come from me.

The wolf.

I could hear it coming closer until it licked my face.

Applause to me dying because I'm afraid of a wolf that's now acting like a hurting puppy.

I closed my eyes for a moment to make peace with my situation.

Then there were hands on my face, cupping both my cheeks.

"SHIT! Lorenzo is going to kill me. Sorry little bitch, I was supposed to get you to trust me before I brought you back, but that's out of the picture now."

A face came into view. It was that same guy I had kneed in the balls before running away.

I couldn't speak, I just didn't have it in me.

He was looking all worried while trying to gently pick me up, and I just wanted to die.

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