Chapter 2: escape

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I was positively terrified. I usually seem like a tough and strong girl, but that doesn't mean my survival instincts aren't working. This tough act is precisely what has been keeping me alive in that place most of the time. But now I didn't know what would keep me alive a little longer. I was afraid there was not a thing I could do in order to keep that shitty life of mine. I couldn't handle that thought. As much as my life has derailed the passed couple of years, I always still had some kind of control over it.

Other than being terrified, I also hoped for a quick death, because he was going to kill me for hitting him. Seeing as he probably intended on bringing me somewhere, the quick death was unlikely. He'll make me suffer I'm sure. I just really hope he doesn't rape me. Though maybe sleeping with him will keep me alive long enough to escape.

My overthinking was suddenly interrupted. There was movement outside the car, talking.

The sound of the door opening sent me flying against the other car door, curling myself into a ball. I was so screwed.

I shut my eyes as fast and strongly as possible. I probably looked constipated but didn't care, I needed to prepare for the blow that was going to come. Would he tear my throat out with his long teeth? Maybe. Probably.

The blow or the teeth never came.

"Are you thirsty? Hungry?" The mans smooth voice was heard.

My eyes snapped open, was he manipulating me? What sick game is he playing at?

"You're cold, aren't you?" Was this how his torture was beginning? If I said yes, would he burn me alive? If I said no, would he throw me in icy water till I froze to death or drowned?

Deciding the safest would be not to answer, I just stared at him.

"Alright" he said. So, this was it?

He got out of the car, so smoothly I was impressed. The relief I felt was short lived when he got back in a couple of minutes later.

"Drive" He told the man sitting in front of me.

The car began moving and as I turned my head towards the window to try and keep a grasp of where we were going, I felt clothes being thrown at me. A giant black sweatshirt with joggers that looked to be far too big for me. I looked at the green-eyed possible monster questioningly.

"Put them on." I did as he said, not wanting to anger him. And as soon as the thick material covered my body, I began to feel warm and comfortable, it was nice.

"Thank you." Managed to be softly forced out of my mouth, maybe if I played nice and all he'd take pity on me.

A soft smile was all I got in return.


I had a plan, or at least something similar to that. I would escape. 2 hours ago, I pretended to fall asleep, the green-eyed monster was watching me intently until he fell asleep and I heard soft snores. He had his hands balled into fists at his sides. If he was an angry dreamer, I couldn't imagine how he would be in real.

So, my plan: as soon as I see some kind of civilisation, I will jump out of the driving car, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. Then I'll run as fast as I can and hope they don't catch me.

This was it; this was the moment. We were driving through a town, there were houses and I even spotted boutiques and a Starbucks. Now I just need to do it.

Well, here goes nothing.

I look to my right, my kidnapper is still asleep, the driver is humming along a song and focused on his driving. I need to do it.

I slowly move my body weight to get in position for the jump, acting as though I am simply moving in my sleep. I rub my eyes before placing it on the handle, then I do it.

I throw the door open before propelling myself forward, not looking back. I roll on the ground to try and hurt myself the least possible, but the landing is still harsh and I can feel my skin tearing under my clothes.

When I get to a stop, I look behind me and notice the car coming to an abrupt stop. I need to run. I quickly gather my bearings and stand up, causing my head to become slightly dizzy. I have no time for this. Just as I turn around and set into a sprint, I hear a growl from behind me and a loud 'FUCK'.

I forgot he was some kind of beast! This is bad, real bad. I look behind me and my breath is knocked out when I see he is right behind me. I can see a public restroom and sprint towards it before getting inside and locking the door.

Just as I am doing that a loud bang erupts as if he threw his fist on the door in frustration. I exhale and look around for any escape. There was just a small window, but it was really high up and the fall would hurt.

I still feel sick, like Im burning up, my head is dizzy and my nose clogged. In addition to that my stomach, legs and arms are now hurting too. I feel like throwing up.

I'm taken out of my daze when I hear his voice.

"Are you hurt?" His voice is soft and caring, I don't understand it. I need to leave. "Please talk to me. There was blood on the road. Just tell me you're alright." I am now officially the most confused person ever.

Why would he care if I was hurt if he was going to kill me anyway? I need to leave.

I didn't answer him, instead I climbed on the sink and reached for the window to my freedom. I nearly slipped but made it. Then it was time to jump. And jump I did.

I must've really underestimated the height, because next thing I knew there was a soaring pain in my ankle and I yelped, that would go away later. Now I needed to run.

Just as I managed to stand up, my head was facing a chest, his chest.

I felt myself being lifted and he carried me bridal style back to the front of the bathroom. When he reached it, he kicked the door and it opened as if it was never locked. Why didn't he do this before? How did he know I was jumping out of the window?

He carried me inside and sat me on the baby changing table. "Stupid." He muttered when he looked at my ankle and then at my forehead where I assumed, I had a huge bloody gash.

He walked to a cupboard to retrieve a first aid kit and started fixing me up.

I was entranced, I couldn't explain it but being so close to him set something in me off. I was mesmerised by the way his brows furrowed in concentration.

When he was done, he looked up to me. Green eyes gazing into my brown ones. "Don't ever do that again." It's like he is reprimanding a kid, I couldn't believe these words came out of his mouth.

I merely nodded, because I felt like that was the only thing I was able to do.

Soon I was back in the car, only this time the man had me sit on his lap, his arms circling my waist, his chest pressed up against my back, and his face buried in my neck inhaling deeply. I am so fucking screwed.

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