Chapter 6: awakening

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She wasn't talking, it has been silent for almost a minute now.

"What do you know? I thought... Can you feel her? You have your wolf back? Since when?"

Was this person serious? She is not going to imply I'm like their freaky asses. But maybe if I play along I'll be able to get more information and find out how I can escape this place.

I decided to ignore her questions in favor of keeping her ignorant of how out of place I actually am until I can gouge if I can get her on my side.

"You're all werewolves." It was a statement not a question. I knew they were. It was that or I had finally gone insane, and I wasn't betting on that, but I needed confirmation.

"So you know! Wow, this is a relief, it's going to make a lot of things easier." She laughed softly, her relief was palpable. Josephine thought I was part of whatever crazy this was.

"I need an explanation, answers." I smiled back at her. I was hoping being nice would incentivize her to tell me what I needed to know, and maybe I could later manipulate her into helping me, though that was probably a far reach.

"Of course! You must be so confused, poor thing." My smile stiffened, waiting. "I don't know how much your wolf has talked to you yet, but I could get you a book explaining everything if you want?"

"No Josephine, you tell me everything I need to know, right now." I insisted. Her smile faltered. Josephine was confused, concerned about my attitude.


"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be pushy, I just really want to know what is going on." She still looked skeptical. „I'm just so confused."
This woman works best on pity, it might be mean, but I needed to play her right.

"Oh I'm so sorry! That is completely normal, if I were you I'd be a mess!"

I'm still waiting.

"Alright. As you might have come to realize, yes; you, me and everyone in this house are werewolves. What that means is that you share your body with your best friend, your wolf. She is an essential part of your identity, of your soul. Without her, you are not complete. Even though right now, she is just present in your mind, you can also do something that is called shift. It means that you can turn into your wolf physically. Gosh I hope I'm explaining this right, a book would probably be more helpful."

Not this again.

"Please continue" I once again pressed. If I wasn't so terrified, I might have found this interesting.

"Your wolf also enhances your senses. Thanks to her you can smell, hear and see much better, your reflexes are also quicker." She thought for a bit. „We're in a pack house right now, it's where the entire pack can come together...well not the entire pack, they would never fit..." She thought some more. "It's basically a place where anyone can come if they feel alone and need company. It's also our hospital and day nursery. It exists so that everyone can feel at home because they are always welcome inside."

If it didn't sound so crazy, it would sound nice, utopian even. I never had somewhere I felt at home, I couldn't fathom what that would feel like.

"Even though everyone loves and protects each member of the pack, we have a hierarchy with the Alpha that leads us and his beta and delta that help him with it."


That word resonated with me.

Lorenzo was the Alpha, the leader of this pack.

"Now, to the interesting part. Every wolf has a mate, a soulmate. The only one who can bring absolute happiness. When you meet your mate, everything about him will seem perfect to you, because you were made for each other. He's the part of your soul you didn't know was missing in the first place. He- actually, you should be able to smell him right now..."

She looked confusedly at me.

"Are you sure you felt your wolf? She should be going crazy right now..."

She was going to catch on to me not actually being a werewolf.

"Why would she be going crazy?" I interrupted her thoughts.

Josephine looked at me weird.

"I mean...your mate's smell is in the room, he was in here for a while..."

Suddenly she pushed back the chair she had sat down in.

"You lied to me! You can't feel your wolf!" Busted.

"I never lied! You just assumed!" Shit, was she going to kill me for omitting not feeling a stupid wolf? Or maybe because I am human.

Breath in...and breath out.

"I would never hurt you! You are my luna!" Why are Josephines eyes welling up? Why does she look like she's about to cry??

My luna? Why would she talk about my surname like this?

She must have seen my confusion because as a tear rolled down her face, a tear that hurt my stomach more than it should have, she spoke.

"A luna is an Alphas mate, you're my Alphas mate." She choked out.

Wait a fucking minute. Oh hell to the fucking no!

All this sweet talking me had the purpose to butter me up. Because they wanted me for their leader. That is the entire reason he brought me here. I was not going to become a sex slave.

I jumped out of the bed, on the opposite side of where she was standing and sprinted to the door.

I didn't notice it before, but during her story-telling, my body healed itself.


I felt as if I had just slept for an entire week, I felt great.

I had no time to over think this as I ran out of the room, sprinting down the hallway until I came upon stairs. While I ran down god knows how many flights of stairs, I could feel the cold ground beneath my bare feet. My blood pulsed through my veins and I have never felt so energized.

Seriously, what kind of drug did they give me?

Jumping over the last five stairs with no effort, because I just knew I could, I saw a door, a big door, the front door. That was too obvious, I needed something more subtle.

To my right was a giant kitchen, and in there, a smaller door, the back door.

I threw my body in the direction of the kitchen until I came upon the door. I swung it open, my bare feet feeling the grass on my bare feet as I finally got outside.

I was hyperventilating again, this was just too much, too new, too quick.

I was kidnapped, werewolves exist, they want me to become their leaders sex slave, my body completely healed itself in like 15 minutes, and now I felt an unimaginable amount of power coursing through my body.

I needed to get away from here, run faster.


I jumped around, looking for the man that had said that word, but I was alone.

My heart began to beat erratically, I had heard a powerful voice resonate around me, but as I looked around once again I confirmed that I was the only one here.

You need to calm down little one. Nothing- no one is going to hurt you ever again, I won't let that happen."

I was going crazy, there was a deep, masculine voice speaking inside of my head. I clutched my head tightly between my hands as I let myself fall to the ground on my knees.

You're not alone anymore."

It was him. I'm not sure how, but I knew.

It was my wolf.


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