Chapter 8: Ambush

Start from the beginning

His brilliant career was only surpassed by one person: Sugawara Koshi, a young man his own age who had become a commander at only 15 years old and who had earned the name of the Iron Commander. He came from a family of ancient hunters who had been in the guild since it was created; moreover, his ancestors had been one of the families that participated in the creation of the Hunters Guild. They had dedicated their entire lives to fighting the mangy mutts, as they called them, and there was no one who could beat the family's record of murders.

Even though Iwaizumi respected Suga as an equal and admired his courage, he was also afraid of him.

Suga was someone loyal and given to the cause, but he had never suffered a close death from the lycanthropes, he had no motive or a reason that drove him to do what he did. Most hunters were hunters because they had suffered a loss at the hands of a werewolf; but not Suga.

Suga did what he did for the sheer and simple pleasure of doing it, because he liked killing, and he cared little if he was an established lycanthrope or not. All hunters killed children before their condition showed, but they usually felt a pinch of guilt in doing so. Suga, however, especially enjoyed their slaughters just because he had fun doing something that would have scared anyone else. He was a ruthless, cruel and bloodthirsty man and seeing him on the battlefield was, to say the least, chilling. He was just someone evil who was proud of it and didn't hide it.

Iwaizumi lowered his weapon and looked at it, not without some apprehension. Sometimes being a hunter was hard for him, especially in those moments when he remembered his parents: he had thrown away all the teachings they had given him, but he had already verified that, due to their great hearts, none of them saw coming that they had a group of monsters at their side who would kill them; and because of that Iwaizumi had been forced as a child to learn the true meaning of hatred and revenge.

"We're all here, Iwaizumi," Suga said entering the room. "Only you are missing."

"Yes, I know," he answered in an absent voice. "I'm coming, I was preparing my weapons."

"I'll wait for you outside."

Iwaizumi gave a slight nod and removed his clear goggles and ear muffs. He shoved the gun in his hand into the waistband of his pants and removed his gloves. He secured a pair of explosive grenades on his belt and loaded the ammunition over his shoulder before tightening the vest that protected his chest and back from enemy bullets. He turned and walked away from the shooting room to go to the table outside to grab his AR-15 assault rifle that rested on it, ready for what was to come.

He left the barracks and got into one of the military trucks waiting outside, in the same one that Suga was in.

"There's no time to lose," Suga urged the driver, a young hunter who was part of his garrison.

The girl immediately started the engine and started driving, followed by all the other trucks.

"I see you're willing to kill," Iwaizumi said.

"I always want to kill, and more when it comes to that bitch."

"Are they all there?" Iwaizumi asked looking out the window.

"According to Lev, the entire pack of the man with black hair is there, something that is obvious since it's his territory; the ones that were left from Bokuto's are also there. There are the betas of that bitch and the rest are the betas of the brunet. We sent Kageyama, Tsukishima, Matsukawa, and Futakuchi along with 16 other low-ranking hunters to Kiyoko's territory to search the place and kill the omegas, but if they can't find them there, they have direct orders to go to your friend's territory."

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