Lynn gulped but still tried to touch it. She did...but it didn't shock her. No surprise there.......


The gate immediately Glowed with intence power..

James and Lynn screamed as the place shook ferociously!!!!

Suddenly the gates open and something like a Golden hand got hold of her..

Lynn screamed as she tried to fight back. James couldn't hear due to the loudness of the shaking.

Finally the hand dragged her in and it shut close and vanishes.

Everything that was hers in that cave disappeared without a trace.

James opens his eyes and looks around.

"Wait....what am I doing here? How did I get here..?"

Every memory of Lynn was gone from his mind. Not only to him but to everyone who knew Lynn.

"Darn it. I better get back before boss gets mad."

He quickly gets up and dusts himself before running out of the cave with no memory of what happened or about Lynn.

(Oh poor Lynn. You guys wouldn't forget about her right?)


Lynn groans as she moves a bit. Not what she expecting but it happened anyway.

She tries to move again but she couldn't.. Wait what..?

She tries again but it was the same result. What is going on.?

She opens her eyes to find out that there was a bag covering her face except for her nose and mouth.

What there...was she kidnapped?

She immediately heard moaning and sobbing around her...along with the sound of chains and ropes.

Then the answer was now known.

She was taken as a slave.. the people around her were slaves.. did this happen?

Wasn't she with James...? Why and how was she ......

Her mind was cut short as she heard the door slammed open. She could hear the sound of a whip as it slashed on the ground causing her and everyone to flinch.

"Quit your whining fools!! Get up!! We don't have all day!!"

Lynn immediately stood up not wanting to get in trouble the the man or men. The last thing she wanted was to get whipped. She could have fought them but she was drained when trying to escape the Golden hand that dragged her into the gate.

Lynn was so lost in thought, the sound of whip on a slave caused her to snap out of it.

She flinched feeling sorry for the unlucky slave. What am I saying..none of them were lucky.

Oh how she wished she could fight them.. but she was extremely tired..

She felt the burning hot sand underneath her. Wait hot.....sand..... could.....she be in....

"No way" she mumbled.

"Quit talking and get moving!!!!" The whip landed on her back. She bit her lip not wanting to cry out and give the terrible man the pleasure of seeing her in pain.

So much for not wanting to get whipped. And damn it was bound to leave a mark.. and a big one at that.

She picked up speed.

Yugioh Pharaoh Atem and Oc Reader. Ancient Pharaoh....Future Queen.  Where stories live. Discover now