Meeting your parents?? PT.1

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Saiki's POV:

'Kuu-Chan! Kuu-Chan!' Kurumi exclaimed while rushing to Saiki. 'Yes?' he answered. 'Y/N-San is basically and IS our neighbour right? Right!?' Kurumi exclaimed in hypertension. 'Yes, she does. She moved next to us and is now our neighbour. She also has 3 brothers living with her. I think.' I spilled out. 

'Perfect! Give these to Y/N-San and her brothers after school please!' Kurumi handed a small gift bag of sweets. Since there was basically four people in her house, Kurumi packed 4-5 cakes in there. Known as Saiki got slightly jealous that Y/N-San gets all these sweets and he doesn't. Considering he loves sweets.

I didn't think much. I grabbed the bag and carefully placed it in my own bag just before school. I walked out of my door and walked to school. There I was about to approach Y/N and her brothers when I saw these idiots. Nendo, Kaido, Kobayasu. Gosh. I just want to get this over with. Once I got in the school I put my bag in the lockers. 

Y/N's POV:

I was talking to my brothers about homework and how RedEye was dumb and he was failing. 'UgHh!' groaned RedEye 'I hate physics! It's so difficult and- and-' Redeye said in annoyance and pain. 'Your just not working hard enough.' Zefron glared. 'Hey! Maki-Maki!' (Maki-Maki is Makato's nickname) I patted his shoulder 'Aren't you failing physics too?' I said in a devil-ish grin. 'Urk!' He jumped. 'Shut it imoto-chan!' Makato tried to cover her mouth.

He knew that once Y/N said that Zefron's probably gonna bully him about failing physics since he's passing it. And since Zefron was younger, that would be embarrassing for Maki-Maki.

'Oh?' Zefron glared at him 'So you're failing physics too. Huh?' Zefron stared up at him a bit since Makato was slightly taller than him. 'I thought you were going to beat me in homework and stuff huh?' Zefron hissed. Makato was shivering and meanwhile RedEye was watching his paint and Y/N was holding a laugh.

I stopped laughing in my seat and looked around a bit. I caught Teruhashi-San and Saiki stare at me a little. I didn't know exactly why but who knows and who cares!

-Time skip after school!-

Y/N's POV:

I was gathering things from my locker when 'Tap Tap' I turned around already knowing who it was with my estimate. 'Yes Saiki?' I turned around to see Saiki behind me. I was surprised that I got it correct.

Saiki handed me a small souvenir looking bag. Inside there were sweets. 'My mother asked me to give this to you. Share this with your family.' Saiki said. 'Ding! 'My thought appeared 'Thank you for the sweets' I said. 'Do you want to hang out at my place though?' I said in the most confident voice I've used. 'Sure' Saiki said. 'Yep that was the idea! Wait- He agreed?!' I hesitated to myself so now. Saiki, Me, Zefron, RedEye, Makato are all walking in the same direction to my place. Or should I say our since I have brothers. 

We arrived at my house and unlocked it. 'Tadaima~!' I shouted in the house. I could feel that my friend. Naomi Ray is in my house. I just can't see her. Just feeling her aura. Welp. If you guessed that I only live with 4 people in my house not including parents? Your Wrong! I live in a house with 9 whole people. Well of course my house was bigger then Saiki's house. We technically have 11 people if you even count my parents! I'll introduce them later on!

'Okaerinasai!' I hear my mom shout from the kitchen everyone dropped there bags near the entrance of the door and headed over to the kitchen. 'Konnichiwa~!' Me and my brothers say. 'Who's this?' My mother pointed at Saiki. 'That's Saiki Kusuo, He's a friend from school!' I say. 'Nice to meet you. Kusuo Saiki. I'm Dandelion L/N, Nice to meet you' My mother said in a polite voice. 'Nice to meet you Dandelion-San' Saiki bowed.

Saiki's POV:

I could tell that Y/N-San's parents were nice. But I could feel so many auras around me. About 5 auras. I gently poked an area of were I sensed an aura. 'Poof!' A short light blue hair girl in pigtails appeared, along with a Black-Haired guy that wore glasses that were deep black with a sweat shirt and a Nintendo in his hand playing and a really bad posture.

'Oops..' The blue haired girl said. 'What was going on?!' I thought in my brain. Are they Psychics too? The blue haired girl dropped down onto the ground landing swiftly 'I'm Naomi Ray! And thats Ashton Agatsuma! Nice to meet you Saiki Kusuo!' she held her hand out. Soon enough 4 more people started to appear. Now a really tall lemon hair looking haired boy and spoke. 'My names Chamileon L/N. Im Y/N's cousin. Call me Cham, that over there' He pointed at a black-purple faded girl kinda tall looking 'That is PurpleEye Ray, the guy next to him with wavy hair with black hair colour is Sniper Wong.' He pointed to the guy next to PurpleEye, He was slightly shorter and looked a lot more hyper. 'The girl behind me is Shingetsu Agatsuma.' he pointed behind himself. 'I could tell that Shingetsu and Ashton, PurpleEye and Naomi were siblings.' I thought to act quick I asked a question using telepathy to Y/N.

'What's going on? Is everyone here a psychic?' I asked using telepathy 'Well yeah! Everyone in this house including my parents are psychics!' She responded.


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