First day at PK Academy

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What the word font's mean!

Hi = Thoughts

Hi = Saiki Speaking

Hi = Author Speaking

Hi = Normal Speaking

Hi = Actions

Hi = Loud noises 

That's all now let's get on with the story!


Great, a new school. It's always so early in the morning I swear! You grumbled in the thought of waking up so early. You slammed your alarm to make it stop beeping, You were about to fall back asleep when 'BANG BANG BANG!' you heard, you immediately shot up and screamed "Shut up!"

The Banging noises were coming from downstairs in the kitchen and saw your brother was banging pans together 'Oi! RedEye Shut u-' before you could finish your sentence your brother banged the pans together again 'BANG! BANG! CLASH CLASH CLASH!'  'Gosh..' you sighed, you picked up a slipper and 'WHAM!' you slapped your brother with your slipper across the face.

Needless to say. He fainted and no your family isn't toxic that was just for small jokes. You and your three brothers walked to school RedEye had a band-aid for the hit you gave him. You walked to school slowly but surely!

-Time skip your at school-

You took out your map to see all your brothers and you in the same class. 'AYE! We're all in the same class! YAHOO!' Your oldest brother Makato exclaimed 'Hey hey! Yeah we are!' RedEye exclaimed as-well 'Great a classroom with idiots' Zefron sighed 'OI I exist too' Y/N said in rage.

You walked into class and a female teacher stood there with a small smile like she was waiting for us, well of course she needs to greet us. We're new students! 

We all wrote our names on the chalkboard you felt the students glaring and staring on the chalkboard as you were writing 'Were people always glaring and staring at the chalk board?'  you thought. Makato opened his mouth and spoke 'Hi my name is Makato L/N, these are my siblings, Y/N, Zefron and RedEye. Somehow when he said MY pissed me off just lowkey. The teacher told us to take our seats, there were four empty seats.

I ended up sitting next to a pink-haired boy, he had lime green glasses and a boring looking expressions. He looked pretty cool and chill honestly. 

Your Smile  ~Saiki x Reader~  {COMPLETED!}Where stories live. Discover now