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Eugene's POV

After (y/n) showed us the flyer, we decided to check the safe zone out. We had no idea if it was legit or not, but we couldn't pass up the opportunity. We left Lawrence behind, and took some food along with us for the journey. Even after everything Lawrence did, I could tell (y/n) felt guilty about leaving him alone.

At the Safe Zone, we were all assigned to the same living quarter, but Harry ended staying with a girl who didn't have a room partner, so it was just (Y/n) and I in a room.

Things felt a lot better after we arrived. I could tell we all felt safer and I thought we'd all be okay. That (Y/n) would be okay...

During the day work, y/n would always look so tired. I just figured it was because she was still getting used to our new home, but I was wrong. One night while I was sleeping, I was awoken by murmuring and whispers.

"(Y/n)?" I asked as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I walked over to her bed and saw that her face was all scrunched and that she was twitching. Startled, I shook her awake.

"(y/n), what's wrong?" I asked again, worried.

"No!" She screamed, making me jump a little as I wasn't expecting it. I grabbed her hand as she tried to hit me, still not fully awake.

"Hey! I'm right here!"

"...Eugene?" Her voice was raw and deep from sleep.

"Are you sick?" I put my hand on her forehead and noticed that she was drenched in sweat. Even in the dark, I could see tears running down her face.

"Were you having a nightmare?" I knelt down beside her bed as she sat up and looked around the room, still shaking.

"I-I think so."

"It's safe here. You don't need to worry anymore, (y/n)." I felt terrible for her. After everything she's been through at the school, now she has to suffer from nightmares? It just wasn't fair.

She nodded her head and went back to sleep as I brushed her hair softly.

I thought she'd be fine after that, but from then on, she had a nightmare every night. Sometimes, she'd even scream for her life, causing our neighbors to get irritated.

I wondered what she dreamed about. Zombies? Lawrence? Our dead friends? All of them were valid possibilities. But she wouldn't tell me. She basically stopped talking to me and Harry altogether. She no longer told me about her days babysitting the kids or about how she loved the cold weather. Nothing.

I could only imagine how tired she was, and then she worked so hard at work. I wished I could take her nightmares away and suffer from them instead of her.

2 weeks in, (y/n) looked terrible. Even at a glance, she looked tired and weak.

Eventually, I finally asked her what her nightmares were about. She looked confused.

"Do you think I don't hear you crying in your sleep every night? Or when you wake up screaming? Please, (y/n). Let me help you."

"It's nothing. I'm fine, really." She wasn't fine.

"Why are you hiding your feelings from me?" I raised my voice without meaning to. She just smiled sadly and shook her head.


That night, I stayed up purposefully and waited until she fell asleep. After hours, I heard her begin to whimper and cry.

"Judy... Zion.... No!"

I shook her awake. Her face was stained with tears and it broke my heart to see her eyes all puffy from crying.

"W-why are you awake?"

"How can I sleep while you are suffering"?

"I'm sorry for being loud..."

"Are you kidding me? I'm not awake because you're loud, I'm awake because I'm worried about you, you idiot!" I didn't mean to call her an idiot, but I was just so frustrated. Why wouldn't she talk to me?

"Stop pretending nothing's wrong! Have you never considered how I feel seeing you in pain and unable to do anything about it and then have you lie to me and tell me you're fine?

"I understand how you feel from being unable to save them, I feel the same way! But it's not your fault and it's not mine or Harry's! We tried our best, but our best is not always enough." My voice was trembling. I didn't want to cry in front of her, but I couldn't stop myself as I broke down.

"They wouldn't want you to suffer for them, (Y/n). They would hate seeing you like this too!"

"It's not just them... In my nightmares, I lose you too..." Her tears poured even harder than before. "The thought of losing you... is so scary!"

"I would never leave you. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me." She smiled a little through her tears.

I sat on her bed and held her in my arms. "Go back to bed, okay? I'll protect you."

"I'm-I'm scared. What if I have another nightmare?"

"... Would you like me to sing you a lullaby?" I ask, suddenly self-conscious. She cocked her head to the side. "It will help you sleep." She nodded her head.

We lay side-by-side, me on my back and her holding my side like always and I sang her a song I wrote from before the zombies had taken over.

The next morning, she looked well-rested, but she still had a lot of sleep to catch up on.

"I didn't have any nightmares after you sang to me."

"Really?" She nodded her head. I felt so happy to hear that. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Again, that night, I offered to sing for her and she agreed. I sat on the edge of her bed and sang to her. When I thought she was safely asleep, I slowly dipped my head and kissed her on the forehead. She stirred.

"Eugene?" I almost ran out of the tent.

"Y-yes?!" I asked, acting nonchalant.

"Come here, again." I did as she asked and leaned over her. She gently wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

"(Y/n)..." She smiled at my reaction. My heart was about to beat out of my chest.

"Thank you... for everything and all your help." She blushed and looked away.

"O-of course." I smiled and brushed her hair out of her face. "Can I... kiss you again?"

She nodded her head, and I leaned down as she leaned up, closing the gap between our lips. When I pulled away, she scooted over and tapped the space next to her, implying that I should get on. I did as told.

"Sing me another song?" I nodded.

I'll sing for you forever. Only you.


I hope y'all enjoyed this story based on LucyDream's game Dangerous Fellows!!!

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