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We started our search behind the counter of the concession stand. There was a wooden door in front of the candy that could only be opened with a key. I continued looking around as Lawrence hammered away at the lock with his lumber. I checked the kettle for popcorn and only found a few popped pieces. I wondered how long it took for popcorn to go bad. Surely it would be stale, but I bet it still tasted like heaven.

I popped a piece in my mouth and bit down. Indeed, it was stale. But I was right, even when cold and dusty, it tasted pretty good.

There was a big bag of popcorn seed for the kettle. I thought about lugging it home with us but realized It was 25 pounds and that we had no way of cooking it, so I decided against it.

Just then, I heard the clank of the lock hitting the ground. I spun around to see Lawrence tearing the door off, revealing the assortment of chocolate and candy. My mouth watered as I knelt down next to him.

I opened my bag and shoveled the entire shelf inside, Lawrence doing the same. I couldn't wait to get home and show the others our haul. This would for sure brighten everyone up, and we really needed it with all the gloom taking over.

"Perfect!" I cheered, high-fiving an amused Lawrence.

"This is gonna make everyone so happy, I just know it." I smiled to myself thinking of them eating the delicious sweets.

"It definitely will." He agreed. "Let's check out the rest of the building, we might be able to find some more stuff."

We split up and I made my way to the bathrooms, checking each stall for toilet paper. I tore the rolls off the dispenser and stuffed them into my nearly full bag. I also tore the soap container off the wall. It couldn't hurt to change out the water bucket back at the school.

Lawrence and I met up in the lobby and showed each other what we found. I took out the toilet paper and soap and he took out some more snacks.

"There's a bunch more, but we'd never be able to take it all, so I just stuffed as much as I could. We can always come back and hope that it's still here."

"Good job, us! Let's go meet up with the other two, it's probably about time to go."

We left the theater through the front doors and made our way to the comic book store we previously agreed to rendevous at. On our way, we took out a few zombies. They were a lot easier to kill than those men were.

"You guys ready to head back?" I asked once Sue and Ethan joined us.

"Yep. I'm exhausted." Sue groaned, crossing her arms. She did look pretty tired. Her skin was pale and dirty and she had bags under her eyes that were visible despite her glasses being in the way.

"Wait, what happened to you guys?" Ethan asked, referring to our bruised up faces.

"We encountered some violent people, but we took care of them," Lawrence answered for me. I just nodded my head along with what he said.

Ethan stared at my bruise on my jaw. He looked angry. I could understand. If I saw that he and Sue were beaten up, I'd be fuming.


The sun was setting by the time we made it back to the school. There were a lot more zombies around now than on the way there, so we had to take them out. I easily took out three by kicking them over and stabbing them in the head. I had to admit, I liked using the knife. It was efficient and easy to use. No wonder I struggled with hitting them with the pole, I was made for up close combat.

"Hey, everyone!" I greeted as we walked in the room. Zion and Harry were sitting at the meeting table talking about a tv show they used to watch.

"You guys are back, thank God. We were starting to worry." Harry got up from the table and met us at the door.

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