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Harry followed Ethan inside and I followed him. My foot kicked something, sending it flying across the room. I looked down at the object and picked it up. Sue's glasses. I tucked them into my pocket so I could put them in the grave with her.

"I guess I'll grab her top half," I offered, walking around the blood to get to her head.

"We got her legs." I squatted down and slid my hands under her pits, lifting her up at the same time as the boys did. I forced down vomit, trying to think of anything else that would help calm me down.

I thought of the time Harry, Zion, and I were drawing pictures of each other, trying to see whose looked the best. I was no artist, I could barely draw stick figures, but they somehow convinced me to compete with them. I had Harry, Harry had Zion, and Zion had me.

"Okay, here's mine!" I turned the paper around, revealing my drawing of Harry. The second they saw it, their eyes widened and mouths dropped before they burst into laughter.

"Hey!" I frowned. Zion went to grab the paper from my hand but I tore it away. I wasn't gonna let them make fun of it in front of me. "Stop it!" I whined, crumpling the paper up and throwing it at Zion's head.

"It's not that bad, (Y/n). I thought it looked pretty good." I hid my face in my knees to hide my embarrassment.

"Show us yours, already." I rolled my eyes.

Harry flipped his paper with a confident smile. Zion and I exchanged glances before also bursting into a fit of laughter. His was definitely a lot better than mine, but it still wasn't anywhere near good. Zion's forehead was too short and his eyes were uneven. Perhaps drawing skills skipped a generation in our families.

"It looks great, Harry. Good job!" I said, praying the tears in my eyes wouldn't fall. He obviously didn't fall for my lie.

"It's better than (Y/n)'s." I elbowed Zion in the ribs for his jab at my drawing. Harry laughed it off.

"I know it's not very good, but thank you."

"Okay, Zion. You seem pretty confident with yourself, let us see yours."

"I'm confident I'm going to win. And you, obviously, are going to get last place cause yours is horrible and I never want to see it again."


"Anyway, moving on. Here's my beautiful masterpiece." With a confident smirk, he turned his paper over in his hands and shoved it in front of him. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. His drawing of me was actually amazing.

"Oh wow. That's really good! It looks just like her." Harry complimented. "Especially her nose."

"Hey!" I covered my nose with my hands to avoid the attention. But I agreed with Harry. It really did look like me. Almost like a black and white photo.

"Where did you learn to draw like that?" I wondered, taking the picture and looking at it more closely. He really got every detail down. The shape of my eyebrows, the curve of my lips, the structure of my jaw.

"I drew a lot when I was younger cause I always had nothing to do."

"Can I keep this?" I asked, playing with the corner of the paper until it was no longer straight and stiff.

"Really? Why?" Zion asked, scratching his neck. I could tell he was a little flustered by my question.

"Cause I really like it. I wanna keep it in my room." I explained, hoping he would give in.

"Maybe I wanna keep it. I drew it after all." He tried to take it back but I dodged his attempt.

"You want to keep a picture of me in your room?" I teased with my eyebrows dancing on my forehead.

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