Chapter 22: Stormy Times

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THE NEXT MORNING Mom practically had to pick me up out of bed. "Come on Princess, chore time."

I spit a stray hair out of my mouth and looked at her bleary eyed. "Clothes?" I asked.

She sighed, "Well, I did ask for you to be cranky today." Mom dug through my drawers and came out with a purple pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt that she thrust into my hands. I slowly stood up and dressed. Once I had my shirt over my head, she pulled my hair into a quick ponytail and said, "Come on, let's go sis."

I groaned but found my feet moving one in front of the other. Madison was on her way out to the horse barn and gave me a quick hug, "I love that shirt!" She said to me before she left me.

I looked at the chickens and wanted to skip today. Mom had been so insistent on me getting an early bedtime the last couple weeks that ten-thirty when she finally had me in bed seemed really late! 'No,' I said in my mind, 'Six in the morning is too early!'

I managed to get the chickens fed and then almost got bit by George before I smacked him across the head. He looked dazed but got up and ran away so I was pretty sure I didn't do any permanent damage, 'Unfortunately...' I thought to myself. As if to add to the day I heard "Help Me!" from the stupid peacocks!

I was moving slower apparently because Madison was getting upstairs right when I was too. "You okay Ashley?"

I nodded, "Just tired." I thought for a moment, "That was a really pretty song last night by the way. Did you make it up?"

She laughed, "No, there's this composer that my choir teacher at school likes. His name is Eric Whitacre and he's like really really cool." She smiled, "My teacher has such a crush on him too, because he is really hot!"

"Madison?" I asked.

"I'm not boy crazy, but I have to say he is cute!"

I shook my head, "Anyway...?

"Well anyway she played the whole album for us at one point and this song came on. He wrote it as a lullaby for his little boy that he and his wife could sing - she's like an amazing singer!" She smiled, "Anyway, I couldn't help but think how lucky that kid was at the time and, well, I learned it so maybe I could sing it someday."

I gave her a hug, "You sang it really pretty last night!"

"You should hear the original, maybe I'll play it for you later, I have it on my phone."

I smiled at that. "Now, what took you so long to do your chores today?"

"George came at me again," I said.

"George?" She asked.

"Haven't you met him yet?"


"He's this turkey that has it in for me!"

Madison laughed, "Okay, I think I remember Gloria telling me about him over the phone. Just take a shovel and whack him!"

I blushed, "The shovels are all too heavy... I just normally take a broom handle I found, but I forgot it at first today."

She gave me a sideways hug and said, "I'm sure today will get better."

"Do you want to shower first?" I offered her.

"You don't mind?"

"No, go ahead."

"Thanks!" She said and I watched her walk quickly to her door and our bathroom door was closed soon after.

I sighed, 'Today is going to suck...' I thought in a decidedly un-eight-year-old girl like manner.

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