Chapter 17: Glimpse

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GLORIA HAD FOUND Madison and I just in time before the hands came back in for lunch. They'd been spending most of the morning when it was raining doing some repairs in the barn and the milking shed. In a storm like that it wasn't worth risking someone breaking their necks or hurting a horse to go out and work on the other things they needed to do. Those would easily wait till the next day anyway.

"Where's Amber?" I asked nervously as Consetta dished up a plate of spaghetti for me.

Gloria answered behind me though and said, "She called a few minutes ago sweetie, they're stuck in Albuquerque for the time being because of some flooding. They're going to try and get back here this afternoon."

"Oh," I said.

"They'll be fine," she reassured me and gave me a hug. "Now eat up!"

I sat down next to Madison and talked to her about all sorts of things. I had learned that morning that she was a lot of fun and we clicked really well together. It was kind of embarrassing to think of her as my babysitter though... I knew Mom had basically asked her to do that. 'Seven-year-olds don't stay by themselves though' I admitted to myself. Really even eight-year-olds didn't, so I knew I was doomed with a couple years of always having an adult hanging around me.

"This is really good Consetta!" Hank said.

"It is, but I didn't make it," she told him.


"Nope," she replied, "Amber made the sauce and meatballs Saturday night for dinner. She made the pasta from scratch last night."

"She's not married?" One of the younger hands that I didn't really know well asked. I think his name was Collin.

"Nope, but she is my niece, so careful where you go putting those eyes mister!" Gloria told him with a smile.

"No ma'am, I would never take advantage... But man, a woman who can cook like that is a prize beyond belief... And she's pretty too!" Collin said.

I sat in my chair blushing and giggling. I finally stopped and looked up at Madison, which was a mistake because we both started giggling again. It took us ten minutes to get ourselves under control and then another fifteen to finish. We placed our plates in the sink and left after Consetta assured us she had it under control.

Back in the barn I watched as Madison finished altering the muslin and put it back together, then put it back on the dummy. This time it was a perfect fit! Or so I thought... She actually went back and redid one more thing before seeming satisfied.

"Okay, now let's see what fabric we want to use." She said with a smile.

"Aunt Gloria has this section organized for clothing fabrics," She showed me. "I think satin would probably be perfect for this, although we could use velvet."

I ran my hands through one of the bolts of fabric and shivered. It felt so smooth! I didn't really know though so I said, "I don't know..."

"Do you trust me?"

"Well duh!" I told her with a smile.

"Any aversions to any colors, allergies to pink, purple, etc.?"

"Not that I know of," I told her with a smile.

She then turned and faced the fabrics and, in the end, settled with colors that were pretty close to the original picture. She showed me one bolt, "This would look really pretty on the dress, but it would be dry clean only... I have a feeling you'll want to wear it enough that'll be a pain."

I smiled at her and said, "You're the boss!"

She laughed and got to work rolling out the bolts of fabric on the long counter area. I watched her use the muslin and the patterns to cut out the pieces and soon a pile of fabric in different colors sat next to one of the sewing machines. "Oh, I need to get that too..."

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