Chapter 7: City Girl

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I WAS DREAMING something about my dad finding me in a dress while holding Saige when all of the sudden I heard a scream, "HELP, HELP!!!!"

I jumped out of bed wanting to cry. Someone must have found us. I heard it again, it sounded like a woman – maybe Gloria was crying out! 'I should get Mom!' I thought and hurriedly opened my door and ran across to her door. I looked around but didn't see her! I had just turned around and walked back into the hallway when I saw her.

"Mom, something's wrong. They must have found us, they're torturing Gloria or something!!! I can hear her screaming!"

Mom grabbed hold of my shoulders and said, "No she isn't."

"Well, someone is!" I was sure of it.

"Looks like someone really is her mothers' daughter." I heard a laugh behind me.

"It's not funny, someone's being hurt!"

"No sweetheart that would be the peacocks outside."

"Peacocks?" I asked, wanting to believe it, but I was so ramped up it was hard to calm down.

"Peacocks," Gloria said as she came down the hallway and knelt down in front of me. Even kneeling I was shorter than her. "That's the sound they make in the mornings, and it's fooled a great many people over the years." She paused and smiled, "including your mother."

"Oh," I said, feeling really embarrassed. I started crying then without any good reason why and felt Mom close her arms around me.

"It's okay baby, I don't think they'll find us here - not for a while anyway."

"It's just I was dreaming that Dad found us... And then I heard that sound..."

"I know sweetheart, it's okay." Mom said gently to me.

I eventually sniffled and looked up at Gloria, "Do they make that sound every morning?"

"Unfortunately, but you do get used to them. We've had a flock of them here since before I was born and I just can't convince myself to get rid of them. They do have really pretty feathers that fall out though, you might be able to find some later if you want."

I just nodded, not wanting to go through that again each morning.

"Why don't you throw some jeans on and you can help me feed the chickens?"

I gave her a look that probably said all I was thinking right then, You have birds that sound like people crying for help, it's early in the morning too, and you want me to go feed chickens???

"Come on, it'll be fun!"

"Really?" I asked.

"Well, the first time it probably will. My rule is that as long as someone stays as a guest here, they help out with the chores. I think feeding chickens is a good start for you, and we'll add some others later probably."

I looked at Mom, "What's she doing?"

"Well, I thought she could help me milk the cows this morning. I assume you remember how?"

I felt my Mom sigh, and she said, "I sure do. Think I can do it without being kicked the first time?"

"We'll see. It's not quite the same setup, since we've had to add some modern milking equipment the last few years, but it's not too hard. We only have thirty dairy cows right now. I'll show you how after I show this young lady how to feed the chickens and find eggs."

I felt a light pat on my rear as Mom shooed me into my room to find jeans and a t-shirt. I had wondered at the time why she insisted on buying me three pairs of jeans, but now I knew. I liked the Princess shoes for the most part, so I put on the Barbie ones... figuring if I was going to get a pair ruined - that was the one to do!

Dollar Runawaysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें