Chapter Twenty

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Kai's POV

"Thanks again for the place dad," I said over the phone.

"It is not a problem, but I do have one request from you Malakai."

I sighed, I knew he was going to want something in return. As always. "And that's it?"

"Come over to the mansion, it's been a while since I've seen you."

"Dad-" he cut me off.

"Please Malakai." He for the first time in my life asked me instead of giving me any other choice.

Huh I think me almost dying made him rethink his life decisions. I should've tried to almost die sooner if I knew that's all I needed to knock some sense and compassion into that thick fucking head of his.

"Can you come over instead? I can't drive yet and I don't want to bother anyone today." I responded.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have assigned you one of my chauffeurs until you were able to drive."

Oh right.

"Huh, didn't think of it. Anyway are you coming over?"

"Of course, I'll be there in two hours."

"Cool, see you then old man."

"Goodbye Malakai."

I hung up the phone and put it on the kitchen bar counter. My dad let me stay in one of his many lofts in the city, he didn't really ask me the reason I was in need of a place to stay but I guess that's the reason he's coming by later.

I stayed at Blair's just for two days since one, I felt like I was intruding, two, her roommate was giving the stink eye every time she saw me around the apartment and third, sleeping in the couch was making my back ache badly and Blair said that wasn't good for me because besides my leg my back was the second thing that caught the most damage. Blair's been driving me around in my car but I don't go out much other than that day when I went to see Iliana.

I don't want to ask anything else from Blair since she's already done so much for me, I even offered to gift her my car, a Mercedes Benz amg gt, the one she's been driving but she refused and said and I quote 'You can't give cars away like they're candy.'

Now that my dad is lending me one of his chauffeurs I will make sure she accepts that fucking car. Let's see what she'll do when the car is on her parking lot and the keys inside her apartment.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing, I grabbed it and answered without seeing the ID caller. "Yeah?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Kai." I heard Iliana from the other side of the line.

I accommodated in my seat befor responding, "Iliana, hey."

"How are you?" She asked awkwardly.

"Do you really want me to answer that question?"

"I- you're right sorry," she mumbled.

I hated to be like this with her but a big part of me is so angry at her. I've been trying to understand her and what she told me that day but every time I just end up pissed and betrayed I want to forgive her and forget it happened but I'm just so heartbroken, so disgusted and I want to end it, end us. But then comes the other part, the part that's utterly and blindly in love with her that doesn't let me let her go even if I should.

Then there's Emma, I don't really care about her, she's dead to me but if I see her again she will be dead for real. I thought she was my friend and she betrayed me all along probably waiting for the moment to make her move on my wife and me being half dead was exactly what she needed. That's also the reason why I don't completely blame Iliana.

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