Chapter Thirteen

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Iliana's POV



There stood the girl I haven't seen for almost a year. Then and there our last conversation before she went came to my mind.

She can't be here.

"What are you doing here?"

Emma opened her mouth to speak but didn't get the chance to as she was interrupted by another voice.

"Emma?" I heard Kai's voice.

Wait what the hell? She remembers her too?

"Kai!" Emma exclaimed before rushing off pass me to embrace Kai in a hug.

Seeing their embrace made me realize just for how long they have known each other for Kai to remember her. Seven? Eight? Or maybe nine years? Either way that's a long time, almost a decade of friendship and other things along the way.

"Oh my god, you're really awake," she sighed into Kai who just chuckled.

"Well yeah I am. It's good to see that we kept in touch after so many years."

Emma pulled back from their hug with confusion clear on her face, "What do you mean?"

"You don't know?" Kai asked and Emma shook her head in response. "I have amnesia, lost seven years of memories you know the usual. It came in a buy two for the prize of one along with the crutch."

"Wait so that means that..." Emma turned to me.

"That she doesn't remember me," I confirmed her suspicion. Emma gave me a look of sadness but I just looked back at Kai.

"It's not as bad as it sounds, well it was at first but now we're both working on it, on us I guess?" Kai said before grabbing my hand and I swear that at that moment my heart felt like it was about to burst.

She's trying, really trying this time.

"Oh, I'm happy for you two." Emma said.

"C'mon lets finish catching up in the livingroom, we are having a friends night so you came just at the right moment." Kai said as she walked ahead of us.

I then felt a slight tug on my hand making me look back at Emma. "Can we talk?" She asked.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about Emma," I mumbled before walking back to my seat and grabbing another can of beer.

I thought Kai would be drunk at this point but she seemed to be fine, however she definitely was on her way to getting drunk.

"Emma Prince? What the hell are you doing here?" Alex said once she saw her.

"Alex don't start being a bitch," Kai said making Alex roll her eyes and everyone else laugh. "Anyway, Emma you know April right?"

Emma nodded and said a small 'hi' to April who said one in return.

"And this is Blair, Blair this is Emma one of my best friends." Kai introduced them.

Shit why did she have to say it like that.

Emma walked towards Blair and they shook hands. "Emma Prince."

"Blair Donovan," she said smiling.

"Okay enough introductions for the night. Emma grab a beer and come sit with us." Kai said and then took another sip of her own drink. Emma did as she was told a sat in the recliner, making me glad Blair was occupying the other place at our couch.

Without You - (gxg)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن