Chapter Two

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Iliana's POV

"Mrs. Raymond?"

"Mrs. Raymond?"

The sound of a voice brought me out of my head. I looked up to see my assistant Reese standing besides me.

"Sorry. Yeah?"

"Miss the meeting ended twenty minutes ago."

"Oh." I mumbled.

I hadn't realized that the meeting was over - neither that everyone was gone leaving just me on the now empty room.

"I got stuck on my head for a while. Sorry for making you stay longer than you had too. I'm sure you wanted to be at home by now."

"It's fine miss."

I shook my head and stood up to leave the room.

"It's really not, do you have a way to go home?" I asked as we walked side by side to the elevator.

"Yes, I have a car but thank you miss."

"I've told you to call me Iliana when is just us Reese." We stepped inside the elevator and I pressed the underground floor button.

"Sorry mis- Iliana."

I chuckled at her.

None of us said anything until we got to the parking lot where we both said goodbye and went on our own ways.

I entered my car - with a sigh I twisted the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. I battled with myself if I should go home or not, but as always my mind and heart didn't give me any other choice. I drove by the busy night streets of Los Angeles - there wasn't much traffic and for that I was thankful, today the least I wanted was to get stuck on traffic; even less now that I felt a headache starting to form.

I parked the car again once I arrived to my destination and took a few seconds to breathe inside the car before going out. I walked inside the building at this point pretty much everyone knew who I was and why I came here - that being because I'm here every day. At first I would get the pity looks from some people but now they're just used to see me.

I saw the door of the room and entered it feeling my already down humor hit the floor and below.

The white room was cold and the lights were slightly dimmed, all you could hear was the sound of the beeping machine and the air conditioning. I walked closer to the bed and sat on the chair that's besides it.

The night table had a new bouquet of flowers that wasn't here yesterday and a few other gifts. I don't know why people keep sending them - it's not like she will see them. Not for some time soon anyway.

"Hey Kai. Sorry I came by later than usual I got held back at the office. The company is doing fine, your dad still checks on it every now and then but lets me to handle it mostly, you know how it is." I chuckled humorlessly.

"Today was hard. Harder than most days- probably because it marks five years since we got married and you've been here for most of it. Its been so long since I've seen those radiant green eyes and that smug smile of yours. I miss it. I miss your voice. I miss the feeling of your arms around me. The feeling of your lips on mine." I paused for a moment as my voice started to break.

"I miss you so much Kai."

Life has been so unfair to us. It feels as if whenever we are about to be happy life doesn't want that. We spent the start of our marriage hating each other, then we were- friends or something along those lines, soon enough feelings became involved. I froze her out for two years because of my stupid decisions and once we finally got together - that were so in love... she was ripped from me.

Its been two years since Kai has been in a coma - the doctors said that is something that happens sometimes no matter if she's healed waking is up to her now.

If she wakes up.

The doctors suggested pulling the plug a month ago. I instantly refused and so did her parents.

I could wait my whole life for her to wake up if needed.

But is that fair for her?

I trailed her face with the back of my hand - at this point I have memorized every detail of it and I could not get tired of looking at it every time I came.

She's pale unlike before when she always had a tan, probably because we lived on the beach and she has been confined to a hospital room for over two years. Her dark hair was way longer - it almost reached her hips. Her face healed well from the accident but a scar remained on the middle of her right eyebrow and it went a bit higher but not much - other than that she's the same. Her face is the same gorgeous one that I could stare at forever and don't get tired. The only thing I missed was those eyes and that smile.

What I would give to get to see it once again.

I can't move on.

I checked the time and it was getting late. Usually when I'm here time tends to pass by faster for some reason. It was almost midnight now and I was starting to feel the tiredness from the long day I had getting to me and now I have to drive for twenty minutes to go home so I better get going.

"I have to go now baby. I'll see you tomorrow." I stood up and planted a kiss on her rather cold forehead.

"I love you." I whispered before exiting the room.

As always whenever I got out the hospital I could feel the little energy I had before coming get drained. It was as if it's slowly sucking the life out of me.

I almost didn't notice when I made it home. I entered the big empty house where I was received by nothing but loneliness. This house doesn't even feels like home anymore without her.

All I could think was.

Here I am a 'successful CEO' of one of the biggest companies in the state at just twenty seven years old. I should be happy but I'm not.

I'm fucking miserable.

Kai and I should be having or own family by now. That's it if things had gone our way.

We would have all those kids we wanted - or we would be getting there at least. We could even have the dog we wanted.

But I have nothing.

I don't even have her.

Instead this big empty house and hole on my heart.

Kai once promised me I would never lose her and it might sound silly and ridiculous... but I'm still holding out to that promise - that one day she will finally wake up.



A/N - All of your guesses in the comments really crack me up lol

Without You - (gxg)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant