Chapter Eighteen

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Iliana's POV

"Hey, you know how it goes leave a message if you want but I probably won't hear it."

I threw my phone on the bed out of frustration when I heard the familiar message in Kai's voicemail.

"Calm down would you?" April said as she entered my room.

"How am I supposed to do that when I haven't heard about Kai for a week! Nothing not a text or anything, I don't know where she is or if she's even okay!" I said frustrated.

"Well Iliana what did you think it would happen after she learned what you did." She looked at me expectantly for me to answer.

That night I had to tell April everything that had happened, from what went on between Emma and I to how Kai found out. April wasn't particularly happy with me cheating on Kai, obviously, or that I lied to her about it as well but she stayed with me since that day and hasn't left. Another reason for that is that she doesn't speak to Alex after she went off on me that night, the later of course the has come by several times to try to get my best friend to forgive her but April was having none of that.

"I don't know," I sat on the bed defeated.

She sighed and came to sit by my side. "It's normal that Kai is not answering her phone Lia, she needs time but she will eventually come to talk to you."

"I just want to know if she's alright," I put my face on my hands.

"She is, Alex hasn't told me otherwise."

I looked up to her and nodded no doubt that I was looking like a disaster right now. "I screwed up so badly she probably hates me now April."

I felt my best friend rub my back in soothing circles, "What you did was not right we both know that Lia but Emma took advantage of you. You were drunk and she knew it, even I knew it when I called you that day and she didn't care. No matter if you pushed her, Emma should've said no and leave because everyone knows a drunk person can't give consent."

"Doesn't change the fact that I still slept with someone else." I shook my head as I cried.

"It doesn't but it wasn't just your fault, it was mostly Emma's and it's even worse if she said that she 'loves you'. God, Kai is gonna kill her we both saw what she did to her car."

"We don't know if it was her that did it."

April gave me a deadpanned look, "Her car was the only one battered and nothing was stolen and that was after Kai disappeared from the party. It was obviously her Iliana."

The night of the party almost everyone came out to see what had happened to Emma's car, that had all of it's windows smashed only the windshield left unbroken. The fact that Emma didn't do anything other than get in the car and leave gave me the impression that she also knew it was Kai who did it.

"April you need to talk things with Alex," I changed the subject.

As much as I dislike Alex I have to remind myself that April is pregnant with that asshole's kid. So my best friend not talking to her because of me makes me feel awful, they shouldn't be fighting because of me much less with a baby on the way.

"Alex shouldn't have put her hands on you I don't care if she was angry, she's gonna have to learn to control herself or else I don't know what's left for us."

"I know you are angry with her but just talk it out okay?"

"She's no-" April was cut off by the doorbell. "Iliana tell me you didn't."

"Sorry Aps but I already ruined my relationship, I'm not about to ruin yours as well." I stood up and dragged her with me down the stairs.

It wasn't easy reaching out Alex since she didn't answer any of my calls, I actually had to grab April's phone while she was showering. Alex tried to hang up on me but after telling her what my plan was she relented on accepting my help.

I opened the door and there was the tall tattooed girl with flowers in one hand and an apologetic smile. She looked like every partner when they fuck off. "Hey..." she said looking at my blonde friend who seemed to be unimpressed.

"Before we start, if you want me to even think about forgiving you for what you pulled last week Alexandria, you're going to have to apologize to Iliana and mean it."

I mentally chuckled, Alexandria

Alex took a deep breath before looking at me, "I'm sorry for grabbing you by the neck Iliana, I shouldn't have done that no matter of what you did or if I was angry at you. It was wrong and I shouldn't have gotten violent. I'm really sorry."

I could see it in her face that Alex did regret what she did but also that I wasn't getting any more of an apology other than that.

"It's okay I understand you were mad at me for hurting her." I responded and April looked at me, I slightly nodded at her and with a sigh she walked outside to the porch with her girlfriend.

"I'll come back later okay," she said making Alex frown but didn't comment.

I nodded again and closed the door as they went. Now I'm alone again in this big fucking house not knowing what to do. Maybe I'll throw myself on a corner and cry until I pass out, drinking was also an option but after all the troubles it got me in I think it's better if I don't touch it.

I plumped down on the love seat and settled with the less pathetic option that was watching television. All I did was aimlessly pass through every channel not wanting to actually watch anything.

The doorbell interrupted my lazing up forcing me out of the sofa and to the door to see who it was.

"Back so soon Aps?" I said as I opened the door but cut myself off when I saw who it was.

"Iliana," she said not looking at me.



A/N - Ohh cliffhanger lol.

Some self promo over here go check out my new book called Faking Us!

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