Chapter Twenty Six

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Kai's POV

"Sometimes I wonder why Emma did what she did." I voiced out loud making Alex look at me from where she was sat.

"Because she was a two faced bitch who cared only about herself." She answered harshly.

"I mean you're not wrong. I just wonder what happened... she was always so nice and good we always understood each other and then she did all that to me. I know I shouldn't care but she was my friend I loved her."

Even though I hate Emma now it doesn't mean it didn't hurt me how she destroyed my trust and our friendship and almost my marriage. I've never been betrayed like that before.

"I understand where you are coming from Kai but she doesn't deserve you missing her or whatever, so don't overthink it too much." Alex advised me.

I nodded and resumed looking through houses on my laptop.

Iliana and I finally agreed on Colorado, it just seemed like the ideal place to start over and raise a family together at some point. Even though the subject of children hasn't come up I know I want to have kids with her and I know she does too but we don't want to rush as we are barely getting out of a really harsh path in our relationship.

"You found anything you like yet?" I heard Alex ask me.

"Yeah I've found some that I think Iliana will like as well or I hope she will. Choosing a house is so difficult though, there's so many things that you have to take into consideration if you're planning to have a family there at some point." I sighed and spun on my chair but was then stopped by Alex's hand.

"These look really good, but I thought you were planning on building her a house?" Alex said while looking at my laptop.

"I was but Iliana wants to see the houses and it'll take a lot of time for the house to be finished. At the end it wasn't such a great idea." I was excited to do it but maybe another time since after we retake our vows we are moving out of Los Angeles there's not enough time.

Which is the reason Iliana is not with me right now. She's off with April preparing all kind of arrangements for our- I don't know if you could call it a second wedding but not so big as the first one.

Iliana was so exited about it though that she even left the house at seven in the morning with April. It was crazy but it made her happy so I enjoyed every second of these preparations.

"That sucks I know you wanted to build the house." Alex responded before walking back to her chair.

We've been at her office all day since both of our girlfriend and wife have been pretty busy since the morning.

I miss my blondie.

"Why are you pouting?" She asked.

"Because I miss my wife!" I whined.

Alex chuckled, "Whipped bitch."

I sent her a glare. "You're telling me you don't miss your baby momma."

"Don't call her that!" She threw me a paper ball which I successfully dodged as I laughed.

Before I could retort something to piss her off I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I answered it without checking who it was and was over the moon when I heard the voice of my blondie over the line.

"Hey babe," she said to me.

"Blondie where are you I miss you I'm sick of Alex already." I said earning the middle finger from my best friend.

I heard her laugh before answering me, "We still have some things to do but it won't take us more than two hours. I'll see you at home?"

I groaned, "Yes."

"Good. I have to go I just called to check on you real quick and to tell you that I love you and miss you too."

I couldn't help the smile that took over my face at her words. "I love more blondie can't wait to see you tonight."

"Is that so huh?" She said in a flirty tone.

"Mhmm I can't wait to-"

"No no no, no phone sex!" Alex yelled at me before throwing another paper ball that this time did hit me and landed on my face.

I sighed.

"I'll see you later babe," I said and so did Iliana.

I hung up and turned to glare at my friend.

"You really love to ruin all of my fun don't you bitch?" I said.

She shrugged, "I mean if I'm not getting anything is only fair that you don't either."

I rolled my eyes.

"I hate you." I mumbled before closing my laptop, I'll keep searching another time. "So I heard your parents don't like April."

"My parents don't even like me and I'm their daughter so are you surprised?" Alex looked at me with an unamused face.

"Who would like you," I joked.

"Your mom," she smirked.

"You say that as if I care."

"It was worth a try." Alex shrugged and stood up before walking to the door of the office.

I frowned, "Hey where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm sick of being here so I'm going to get something to eat. You coming?" She said stopping at the door.

I thought about for a second before quickly agreeing. "Yeah why not."

I followed after her as we discussed on what to eat but my mind was really focused on seeing my blondie again later tonight after a long day.

Shit maybe I am whipped.


A/N - Sorry for the wait. I know this is short and more of a filler chapter but theres just one left and then the epilogue so I hope you all enjoyed!

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