Chapter 26

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-A strong feeling of hatred towards a person or situations.

It can make a person stronger,more flexible in any hurtful event and can boost one's motivations.

But not everyone has the same effect.

It can make you the most indestructsble as you can be.


It can kill the love left in your heart.



"Any early schedule for tomorrow?"

"Hmm..can ask why,Mr.Kim Taehyung?"

The lady sitting beside him turned her head to the man on the other side of the car, looking suspiciously that made the other uncomfortable. Making some movement while avoiding her gaze.

"Can you cooperate just for once?"

"I'm so sorry, Mr.Kim but a guy named TaeTae told me last month to help him quit drinking."

"I..i..just need it right now, okay?"

Taehyung was tensed.

He knew it and every time he remembers how sharp and dark Jungkook's stare at the party, his heartbeat suddenly raises and thoughts of him made the man,a little edgy.

"What for?"

"Aiisst..why do I have to tell you in the first place and can you please get rid of the honorific?We're not even in the office."

Taehyung is massaging his temple,eyes are shut and sighing depressingly.Trying to calm himself down and making the other female feel guilty.

"Well..if that's the case,TaeTae..i'm not permitting you to drink.See what happens when your anxiety attacked?"

"I'm just...i guess locking myself in the office made me an anti-social.I feel so nervous infront of other people."

"Hmm..alright..alright..One bottle!!"

"Thank you,Yiren."

"Your welcome, Mr. Kim,would you like to invite some ladies to accompany you?"

"What the hell are they for?"

Taehyung turned his gaze on the other,crumpling his eyebrows with a handful of disbelief.

"Mr.Kim,it's been a while..i think it's about time that you need to have know..FUN."

He completely lost it and annoyingly sigh while brushing his blonde hair back.

Totally pissed but unable to do anything towards the said woman.

"For goodness sake,Yerin!I'm not craving for sex."

"Well..i'm just telling you to have fun instead of hooking up with the documents and laptop."

"Give me a break,will you?"

"Just reminding ,Mr. Kim."

Taehyung and his guards arrived at the bar,went to the upper part and sat on an elegant couch as he relax and took the glass of whisky but not long enough when a guy walked up to him and stood in front,looking so drunk that he can't keep his balance.

"Look who's came back..finally."

The guy stepped close but immediately grabbee by Taehyung's body guard.

"Papa bears,'s an old friend of mine."

He place the glass back to the table and stood up,put his hands in his pocket and walked towards the guy who's tackled by the other men.

Getting Rid of my Assistant (Taekook ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora