Chapter 22

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"Don't swim far or you'll surely drown."

Jungkook is currently in the shower, standing under the sprinkle of warm water as he enjoys the free time he had.

Taehyung is not around.

And one thing is for sure.

Something needs to be done tonight.

He just came out with a bathrobe on, without anything beneath it when the doorbell rings and a notification from his phone came up.

"I'm here now."

He didn't rush things and went out of his room without even putting something aside from that robe.

"Just in time, sweetheart. Come in.."

His gaze never left the said woman as she walks in, handling the bag in her arm like it's gonna run away.

Wet and undone hair.


and his smirk made the female really nervous as she looks around.

Probably her first time.

"I'm so sorry about coming late,sir."

"'ve been waiting for you, darling. Would you like to do it on the couch or know..privately.."

The woman gulp in fear, being cautious with her surroundings until Jungkook walked in with two glasses and a bottle of wine then sat beside her.

He leaned closer, too close to the girl that she couldn't help but stared back.

"I can't wait, can we do it now?"


A big gulp passed through her throat as Jungkook leaned even nearer that she failed to do what she had to do.

"Can I put it on?"

"Sir..not yet..I'm still.."

"But I can't wait any longer!"

"Sir!!Wait!!I'm not ready yet!"

"Shh..I'm not gonna shove it.. I'll be gentle."


"I think it's too huge, yeah?" it slowly.."

"I will..just calm down, sweetheart,hmm?"

Jungkook is looking closely

"Sir, it's just the replica of the customized ring, it might be broken."

"I just want to see what it looks like when Taehyung wears it."

"Calm down, Mr.Jeon.. Me and my team will make sure that it will be the most memorable proposal of the year."

"Alright..alright..just keep me updated and make sure not to go here when my boyfriend is around."

"Copy that, Mr.Jeon.."

"I guess that's it..I want to see the finished product of his engagement ring tomorrow."

"Okay,Sir..just prepare him for tomorrow and my team will do the rest,sir."

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