Chapter 9

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"Jungkook..i like your new assistant,can i take her out?"

"Baby!Are you kidding me?Right in front of my beer?"

" whatever you want."


"Yeahh..she's..not my type anyway."

"Woah..did YeonJun upsets you again?"

"Shut up."

Jungkook,Lisa,Jimin and Jennie are in a private room again,drinking at their usual bar while frittering once time.Jungkook has a new assistant after Taehyung quit and somehow,it's bothering the heartless idol.

Sipping on his glass while the girl is on his lap,making out with him,kissing his neck and roaming her hands but Jungkook is just leaning back,wearing and upset face and staring at the plain wall of the room.

Slowly,Lisa's kisses went up to his chin and brush on his lips,trying to turn the guy on but he seems distracted,knitting his brows and not even had an ounce of interest with the girl that she immediately noticed.

" there something wrong?"

Lisa clearly knows how unstable their relationship is,the fact that she can only see and be with him secretly and Jungkook's character is not like someone who will stick with one but even though,she couldn't get enough of the guy because of his irresistible charm.

"I'm freaking tired,Lisa."

"Can i do something to turn your mood up?"

"Yeah..glad you ask,baby girl."

For the record,Lisa is Jungkook's favorite girl.Though he hooks up with other side chicks,he still goes back to her immediately.In short,she irreplaceable and the only girl who can satisfy the man..

But not today..

"What do you want me to do,daddy?"

"Shut your mouth.."

Jungkook is still pre-occupied,not even looking straight to her eyes and caressing her like before.

Lisa felt dethrone,making her upset and walked out,leaving the rest of the people in the room.

"Hey?You good,JK?"

" for the drinks,i'm leaving."

He just took out bills from his pocket and throw it on the table,leaving the two puzzled.

It's's given..

When Lisa walked out,Jungkook will lose his interest and will leave the place.

To make up with her?


To make out with her.

He obviously knows that every girl can't resist him though he's treating them harshly.Crawling back to wet his dick with just a single phone call.

But the moon might be on full.

He drove going home while the amount of annoyance is raising up.

Getting Rid of my Assistant (Taekook ff)Where stories live. Discover now