Chapter 9: Mad kev

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We finally arrive at school and I climb over Ace to get out, feeling his eyes on me but deciding to ignore it

"what the fuck is your problem" I hear Kevin shout, that's worrying since he never shouts not even when he's mad and he rarley ever swears, I need to find him

"Is that Kevin?" Brandon points to where I see Kevin stood in front of Cassidy and Evan shouting at them

Oh no.

I run over and stand between Kevin and the two spawns of Satan "Hey Kevin, look at me" his eyes still glued to Satan's spawns

"Sky, Move"

"Kevin if you think for a second i'm going to move when your this mad that you're actually shouting and cussing then you don't know me very well, now look at me" I say my voice calm but demanding, I look over to the boys car knowing if things escalate I'll need their help and thankfully they're all still stood there it appears that Ace and Brandon have stepped closer then the other two Alex no where in sight, thankfully

"Ha look babe the little freak can't fight her battles but she won't even let her friends do it for her" I spin around at that irritating voice and come face to face with the she devil herself

"Oh babes" My voice mocking her own "I don't need anyone to fight my battles and in case you didn't know my friends actually like me enough to stand up for me" I glance at Ewan his eyes locked on me, I make my voice normal again and grab Kevin arm "Stay away from him or you'll be in for it" I turn around and start walking practically dragging Kevin behind me

"Is that a threat, I'll report you, freak"

I turn back round and within two steps I'm right in Cassidy's face "Oh darling" I say my voice sickinly calm "That was no threat it was a promise" I wink at Evan before walking away knowing that he knows I'll follow through if she isn't careful

I walk back to where the boys have been stood

"That was amazing, can you do that again" Jeff exclaims as I reach them

"No" I simply say before turning to Kevin knowing his anger has subsided Cassidy and Evan no where in sight "Kev what happened back there" I ask

"I know as your best friend it's my job to tell you these things but I really feel like it's something I should keep to myself" he looks down

"Kevin" I say my voice stern causing Kevin to look up and the rest of the boys to look at me Jeff and Carter still stood closer to the car as if they can just hop in and drive off if they needed to, Brandon and Ace were closer having started to move in case they needed to intervene before

"Tell me, what the hell did they do"

"Sky, I'm sorry"


"Sky I can't" he looks around and I suddenly realise the parking lot is empty

"Babydoll we have to get to lesson" Ace whispers in my ear causing me to shiver and move away slightly "sorry" he mutters

"fine" I huff "Let's go"


Authors note:

Sorry this is so short guys it's more of a filler chapter

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