Chapter 17

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I told them, I can't believe it but they can see colours.

The boys can see colours!

I couldn't bring myself to keep talking about my family, my past, it was to painful so I told the boys I was going inside, they didn't seem to keen on the idea of me being alone but they didn't stop me, they know I wouldn't have listened anyways

I was pacing my room as I had been doing for the past 20 minutes when my phone rings, I pick it up and see its from Carter, I pick up

"Hey" I say walking to my mirror

"Hey Sky, how you feeling?" I know he was rendering to what happened at school

"I'm okay Carter, thanks for checking on me though" I pick the post it bots up that Jeff had done for my birthday and started placing them around the edge of the mirror

"I was wondering, I mean if you want that is, it's completely up to you, but um, would go for a drive with me" he seemed nervous

"Actually Carter,I think that's just what I need right now, I'll meet you by the car's in 10 minutes yea"

"Sure thing" he hangs up

I go over to my wardrobe and pick out the hoodie Carter had given me, his hoodie, I put it and tie my hair up in a ponytail before grabbing my keys and heading out

(Carter's POV)

I told my brother's I was going out and headed towards my car, phone in hand, I step out to see Sky leant against her bike, fiddling with her keys, a habit I've noticed she does when she's nervous

"Hey" I walk over to her

She looks up at me "Hey Carter" she moves from her spot against her bike "so where are we driving to"

"Nice try Sky, but it's a surprise" I unlock my car before getting, Sky in the passenger seat

"But I want to know, the last surprise you guys did just made me confused" she buckled her seatbelt and looked at me

"Yea, sorry about Alex, he didn't think about what he was saying"

"So does that mean he wasn't telling the truth"

Shit "um, no he was just joking"


she looks sad, 'does she like Ace' I turn the engine on and it roars to life, I drive down the streets all the whole Sky says nothing but just stares out the window as if lost in thought

"Sky?" she snaps out of her thoughts and faces me, telling me to say what I was going to "Do you like Ace?"

"What?, Carter I like all you guys, you're my friends"

"No Sky, I mean do you like him as more then a friend, I won't tell him, I promise" she looks at me wearily "I know promising probably doesn't convince you but I won't tell him unless you ask me to"

"I do like him, but the whole soulmate thing gets in the way" she sighs "how do we find our soulmates, Carter, we've always been able to see colour so how do we know when we've met them"

"I guess we'll just know, you said your dads could see colour before meeting each other aswell, how did they know?"

She looks at me for a minute as though proceeding what I had said "they felt butterflies whenever they were around each other, they felt really anxious being alone together and the first time they hugged apparently they felt sparks and they felt safe in each others arms, I'd love to have what my dads did"

I place my hand on hers "you'll find your soulmate one day Sky, hell maybe you already have" she looks at me with a small, faint smile playing at her lips "we're here"

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