Chapter 19

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(Sky's POV)

I wake up to the sound of hushed yells, I sit up realising i'm in my house, in my bedroom, in my bed, I look down and realise I'm still in Carters hoodie and a pair of shorts that I didn't go out in, I search for my phone finding it on the desk next to my bed, I turn it on and go to message Carter to apologise for falling asleep when something hits my window with a loud Thud 

I jump off the bed pulling the hoodie as far over my semi bare legs as possible, I open my curtains to be met with a pair of eyes, all the boys stood in the window space of Ace and Alex' room, Jeff was staring at me while it seemed the others couldn't even look at me

"Um Hi?" I say more to Jeff then to the rest since they wont even look at me for some reason 

"Hi I need to talk to you, well we all do but their to much of a pussy to do it so I said I would" he looks at his brothers then at me "Skylar, answer honestly do any of my knuckle headed brothers stand a chance with you?"

I blinked, then again and again I opened my mouth to respond but no words would come out "I- I- Um I-"

"See this is a waste of time, you guys know I don't like her like that for gods sakes just cos you three cant get your heads out your asses" it was Carter speaking he was looking at me now "Sorry Sky, also I didn't look, you fell asleep in my car so I bought you up here and put you in bed, I figured you wouldn't want to sleep in jeans but I didn't look at anything I swear"

"I was wondering how I ended up in shorts and your hoodie" I laugh

"Sky here" suddenly three hoodies are tossed at me through the open windows, I fail at catching any of them 

"What the" I look down at the bundle of material that now lays at my feet I look up to see Ace staring at me

"sorry" he mutters "I hate seeing you in Carter's hoodie though please put mine on instead" 

"No put mine on" Alex' gaze jumps to me

"Or mine, I'm not going to force you Sky" It was Brandon

"I um" I look down at the hoodie picks them all up "What"

"For god sake they want you to wear their hoodies instead of Carter because even since the first day we all met you when you stormed over to the table at lunch then we came in the bathrooms to make you come out cos you'd skipped like two lessons because of Alex, but you've captured my brothers idiotic hearts" Jeff says before grabbing Carter and walking out, I go to say something when my phone pings

Jeff~ Brandon has liked you since you threatened him in the bathrooms for calling you Skylar, Alex since you called him a twonk for sitting on the window sill and Ace since you came storming over to the table at lunch, Carter feels the need to protect you but he doesn't see you as anything other then a friend or maybe even a sister and I feel the same as he does

Jeff~Just tell them you need some time to process and I'll come see you and try to help 

I look up at the boys their eyes piercing into my soul, well if I had one "I need some time to process all of this" you say closing the window and curtains but you hear Ace call out

"take all the time you need Babydoll"


So the boys finally admit their feelings what will happen next, who will she end up with, keep reading to find out

Next update should be within the next week I've got work backing up so it may be longer 1-2 weeks at the most for a new update sorry guys xx

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