Chapter 13

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(Carter's POV)

She's going to kill me, I know she is or she might just kill Alex, of who am I kidding it's me she told well showed so it'll be me she kills.

"Car, relax" I hear brandons voice but it doesn't stop my thoughts

"easy for you to say, it isn't you she's going to kill"

"I was literally the first one she threatened and she didn't even know me"

"Both of you shush she's coming" this time it was Jeff's voice, Alex hasn't said a word since we got out here, we all know how Sky feels about Alex and I think I just lost any trust she had in me

"Now, who knows?" she stopped in front of me but I couldn't bring mysefl to speak, I didn't want to dig myself a bigger hole so I just looked at the ground 

"Sky, we all know" it was Brandon who spoke 

"All of you know?" she questioned as if she didn't believe what she was being told "fucking great"

"Babydoll, don't be mad at Carter or Alex" Ace stepped forward "He only told us because he was worried and Alex shouldn't have said anything but even though he was a dick to you he is sorry for all of that and he didn't mean any harm"

"Princess, I know you have no trust in me and you have no reason to trust any of us and we've just given you more reason not to but we care about you" he looked at Ace "we all do, more then you'll ever know but we want to help you and we can't do that if you don't let us"

Sky just looked at him, then at Ace, then Brandon, then Jeff and lastly me, she was still stood in front of me and honestly I was scared, he punches hurt and I have yet to be on the receiving end of them

"Everyone I have come across has broke my trust, even my own parents so why should I really put my trust in any of you" she moved to Alex "you took a picture of my bra and have made me freeze up twice" she moved past me and Brandon so she was stood in front of Jeff "you thought it would be funny to tell Evan I love him even though you know he's my ex and he's an asshole" she shifted to where Ace stood "you act like your my friend one minute then the next you say the most confusing things and leave me more confused then I already was" she was now stood in front of me and Brandon but she wouldn't meet our eyes "all of you for weeks have ignored me and made me feel like I was in the wrong when I haven't done anything, but you all want me to trust you, you want a broken girl to trust you but give no reasons why she should other then that you care" she sighed "I don't see any reason to trust you, any of you" she walked back towards her house but stopped as she reached her door "I lost everyone in a matter of a week because nobody will tell me what was said and instead all chose ignoring me would make it better but  thanks guys" we all looked up at her dumbfounded, why was she thanking us "you ruined my birthday, not that it was any good anyways" and with that she walked inside and locked the door   

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