Chapter 30

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After getting changed, you dried your hair and put your bag back in Ace's room before heading downstairs to see what everyone was doing today

You got into the kitchen to find all the boys sat at the table, apart from Ace who was lent against the island blocking Brandon's view of the door, he smiles at you when he sees you enter and gestures to the table to show he did what you asked and that Brandon was still in fact there

"morning boys" you say as you sat down next to Carter

"Hey princess" Alex says from across the table "I'm sorry about earlier if i upset you

"I already said, I don't care Alex" you turn your attention to the boy sat next to him, who has avoided your eye since you walked into the room "how you doing Brandon?" you ask with a sickeningly sweet smile plastered on your face

As you say his name he finally looks at you "I'm, er, i'm good, Sky, how are you" he asks cautiously

"Oh i'm amazing" you say, still with an overly seet tone to your voice

"Um, what's going one" you hear Jeff ask Carter

"I have no idea" he says in response

"OOOOOOH I know, Baby can I tell them" Ace says as he sits next to Brandon, his use of the word 'baby' catches the other boys attention and before they have the chance to start questioning it you answer

"Of course Ace, be my guest"

"So boys, our dearest brother here" he puts his arm over Brandons shoulder as he says this "seems to forget a couple things about our girl Sky, and thought that for some reason calling her 'Skylar' wan't going to get him killed"

Jeff and Carter burst out laughing and Alex just looks at the boys next to him

"man even I know that's dumb, and it's usually me she's pissed at" Alex laughs

"I didn't mean it love, I swear" Brandon pleads

You don't say anything and just Ace as he turns to look at Brandon, before you even get to say anything else, the laughter stops and Jeff asks

"Wait, Sky if Ace called you baby, does that mean-" he cuts himself off, unsure if he really wants to finish what he was saying, all the boys turn to look at you, Ace included, curious to what you'll say

"Ace I don't get why your looking at me to like i'm the only one who can give an answer here" you roll your eyes at him "no Jeff, we're not together, I haven't chosen anyone" 'I like them both' you think to yourself

You hear a phone ping and after staring at the table you realise it's yours that you put on the side earlier, you get up to check who it is and see a text from Carter

Carter~ I don't want to freak you out, but I know you didn't say about liking both of them out loud but I heard it, I don't know how

You look up from your phone to where you left Carter sat next to your now empty seat at the table, he's already looking at you, you type back

Sky~ I definitely did not say it out loud

Carter~ I heard it, I don't think the boys did but i know I did

You put your phone down and tell the boys your going to sit outside for a bit, you walk out the back door of their house and sit in the tree at the back of the two houses, Trying to figure out how Carter heard you and which two you like, if you no longer like all three boys

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