Death isnt to be feared.

Start from the beginning

"I'll miss Charles" I say.

"I can sort that" I hear a voice say, as I turn around I see Charles standing there but he soon enough places two fingers over my temple.
I can feel all my memory's of Charles going out of my head. The first time he said I love you, the first time we danced together, our first argument, our first date and our first meeting. Erased my mind ... all of it. I fall asleep.

As soon as I are up the first thing I hear is "Who is Charles Xavier, Aria?".

"how the fuck ... am I supposed to know that Erik?" I say laughing a little.

He smiles but it's a sad smile. They start saying stuff about this man called Charles, they say "he's devastated, will they see each other again?". I sit up and Andy hands me some bread, I eat it trying to remember anything. Oh yeah ... me and the gang are in a trip to find more mutants and then attack the government building.
I sit watching the hills role by. That's when Raven gets a call. She picks it up and keeps saying "yes she fine" , "she doesn't know you" and "Charles calm down we are fine you right behind us". Right behind us?
I take the phone from ravens hand and says into the phone "hi! So this is Aria ... who the fuck are you and why are you following us?". There's silence and I hear a little sniffle come from the other line, when they say in a osh English voice "Aria it's good to hear your voice again".

"Who are you and how do you know me" I ask. I can see Erik and Andy looking scared. Why?

"Nit your problem but give the phone back to Raven fro my my lo... Aria" the man starts. Was he about me call me 'my love' jeez I don't even know him, I do as he asks and I hand the nine back to Raven, I turn around and see a jeep following us, I stick my middle finger up and turn back round.
Whoever that is ... they are so stupid I bet there well ugly!

We get to our ur safe spot and register into a motel. I see the jeep pull up but I'm not sure if I should go Greet myself to them. Nah I want to sleep.

2 weeks later.

The plan to break in and start a riot has been going amazing, those people stopped following us ... thank god! Although I keep getting strange dreams and me dancing with a man with shoulder width hair, lilac sweater but then he dissolves like I never met him even if it was in a dream. He was very fucking handsome whoever he was.
We have lots more recruits.

1 day before.

Not long now! I can't wait. We are all at an abandoned house. We have tones of mutants with us. We are all getting outfits from a 19 year old girl who can make clothes with one flick.
Erik is wearing a red suit with a metal helmet. Raven has a metal crown on, Andy has a metal helmet on and they give me a metal crown as well ... why metal.

"There metal so that guy Charles we were asking you about can get into our minds" Erik says as I look at the crown. Charles sounds like such a dick head.i notices every recruit as a metal helmet of some sort. Only me and Raven have crowns because we are the two lady leaders.
No one sleeps. We train, eat and then head of to battle. We walk. Using ur mutations on  anyone that crosses my our path.  I make police kill them selves with there guns ... show no mercy. I accidentally drop my crown and just before I put it back and I hear and see someone, I stop and take it of again.

"Aria, can you hear me, ok Aria ... I'm Charles, Charles Xavier we used to know each other ... I'm trying to find you give me a minute ... um ok ... Hank! I know where they are, Aria, please don't do this I know you, I loved you Aria so please stop this" I feel memories flooding back.
My Charles is coming for me.

I throw the crown on the floor shouting at Erik "ERIK, fuck your plan" I make some of the other mutants turn against each other. I stand there staring right at him. But I feel myself flung through a window of a house. I stand up and look at a family who are holding each other.

"Hi ... stay safe ... bye" I run out of door and straight towards the fight.

"Aria!" I hear someone scream. I turn around and see Andy being held at gun point by police men.
What should I do.
Never mind.
It seems Charles has it under control. All the police men out there guns down and walk away. But that's when the CIA and FBI show up with an army of men. Shit this is great.

10 minutes later.

"Charles!" I scream as I start running to him. He's a mile away but I know it's him.

I stop. What have I done. I look at the police men I made shoot themselves. I look in my pocket and find poison, we were all given some just in case we were taken, we could poison ourselves before we told anything to the government. Before I can slip in my mouth Charles gets to me and notices it in my hand. He slips me another flask which reads "fake death". I look at Erik who is heading toward us. I take the tag of it and drink it. I feel myself starting to get ill, very ill. I can feel my heart slowing a little as I collapse.

He thought I died, no. I lay there letting the poison find it's way into my body, I feel his pain, his sorrow. He weeps and he try's shaking me awake. Just before the poison takes my soul I form a slight reassuring smile on my face.
I'm not dead.

Much longer and action packed chapter today right! Anyway remember to vote, and btw it won't let me follow any of yall back so sorry for that! I would if I could! - M :)

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