Chapter Ten

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A/N: There is slight lemon in this chapter...R15.

" creep, why are you staring at them through the window?" You ask. You couldn't see them do anything, but you could hear them.

"M-Marco..." Jean moaned.

"Why are they having sex the first night they are together?" Sasha asked.

"I don't know...let's get out of here." You say.

"No!" Sasha pouted, putting her ear against the siding of the house.

"J-Jean...! I'm about to-"

"Ew, now let's get out of here." You say, taking Sasha by the hand.

"Why did you even come over here anyway?" You ask.

"I wanted to hang out, but when I came over here I saw them kissing in the window, but they shut the blinds before I could even see them do anything." She explained.

" wanted to see them having sex?" You ask.

"N-No! I'm not that perverted." Sasha said, blushing. You giggled, and walked Sasha to her car.

"Bye, Sasha." You say.

"Bye bye!" Sasha said, waving. You got in your car and drove home, what a waste of time for Sasha dragging you over here. Before bed, you took a shower, washing the horribly done makeup off of your face. You put the costume back in the bag to give to Krista tomorrow. Levi walked into your room, once you were in bed under the covers.

"Why did you have to leave so soon?" He asked.

"Sasha is a peeping tom, she saw Jean-" You just remembered not to tell didn't know if he wanted him to know.

"She saw Jean what?" Levi asked.

"She saw Jean getting out of the shower. Now goodnight!" You say, turning off your lamp. When he left, you got on your phone. Playing on your phone made you sleepy, most of the time. Around 11:30, you yawned and your eyes fell like big heavy black curtains.

"Wake up, (f/n)." Levi said, around 5:00.

"What the hell's..." You say, checking your alarm clock. "5:06!"

"Hey, the early bird catches the worm." Levi said, leaving your room.

"Who uses that phrase?!" You ask. He ignored you, and you decided to get ready. Levi was in the kitchen, making something.

"I'm hungry, what are you making?" You ask.

"Waffles, like I said, the early bird gets the worm." Levi said.

"You made me hate that phrase." You laugh. He handed you a plate of the waffles and you sat down at the table. The waffles were delicious, and it was only 6:00 once you were done getting ready. School started at 7:00.

"You woke me up too early." You say.

"I intended to do that." Levi said.

"You jerk! I could of slept in for like an hour!" You say, playfully pushing him.

"Isn't today Tuesday?" Levi asked.

"Yeah...four more days until I leave." You say.

"I'll do your homework for you while you're gone." Levi said.

"For real?" You ask.

"Maybe. If you're lucky." Levi said.

"You're the best!" You say, hugging him. He ruffled your hair, and you looked up at him and smiled. He looked back at you, staring into your eyes with his grey eyes. It was one of those awkward moments, and once you realized you've been staring at him for a good five minutes, you got up and started to blush.

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