Chapter Sixteen

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Eren answered the skype call. "Can I talk to...(f/n)?" Levi asked nervously. Eren slurped down his water bottle, and answered him.

"Yeah, she's in my room." Eren said. "(F/N)! Levi wants to tal to you." You ran out into the kitchen were Eren was. Jean, Marco, and Levi were right there.

"Levi!' You say, knocking Eren off of the chair.

"(f/n), are you alright?" Levi asked.

"Yeah," You breathed. "why are you asking?"

"He thinks Eren is going to rape you." Jean snickered. Eren got up from the floor once Jean said that.

"W-Who thinks i'm going to do that?" Eren asked.

"Levi." You replied. Eren looked directly at Levi.

"Listen here Levi. I'm not going to rape (f/n), we're 18, i'm not going to take her virginity." Eren said, winking at you. Levi widened his eyes in anger, he must of saw Eren winking at you.

"You are going to take it! You pathetic little fuck! I knew right when I saw were some horny little pervert that just wanted sex!!" Levi shouted.

"Levi! Quit making this a big deal!" You shouted back.

"I'm not...i'm telling the truth." Levi said. You looked over at Eren.

"Levi...I swear to god that i'm not a pervert that just wants sex." Eren said. You had no clue how he was staying calm, he was usually hot tempered at times like this.

"Tch...whatever..." Levi muttered.

"Quit being a little shithead Levi! You're just jealous I bet!" You shouted. Levi blushed like crazy.

"I-I'm not jealous!" Levi lied.

"Sure you-" Levi ended the converstation, and that is when Eren just lost it, he was keeping his anger in the whole time. He stomped over to the couch and threw a pillow at the wall.

"FUCKING GOD DAMN IT!! You're 'friend' Levi is just jealous of us! I know it!" Eren yelled. You sighed at sat next to him on the couch.

"Eren...he's just over protective..." You say. Eren looked up at you at gritted his teeth.

"He's not over protective...he just wants you." Eren said.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, you could tell he was lying when you said he was jealous, he was blushing too." Eren said.

"Levi just loves me like a brother, he's always been there for a brother." You explained.

"Maybe he's grown feelings for you because you always been there for him." Eren said.

"Yeah...I guess you're right."


Levi stomped out of your bedroom and Jean and Marco chased after him.

"If (f/n) can't see that I love her, i'll make her love me..." Levi muttered.

"Levi, you've gone insane! Just stop!" Jean said. Levi turned around to face them.

"I have the perfect plan to make her jealous." Levi said. He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey...Petra." He said with a smirk. Jean and Marco knew what he was going to do next, and he would regret it.

"Would you...want to go out sometime?" Levi asked. They heard Petra screaming YES YES YES! Through the phone.

"Tomorrow at 6:00..." Levi said, hanging up. Valentines Day was tomorrow.

"Why that day?" Marco asked.

"Because, it's the day of love." Levi answered. He walked away to his bedroom leaving Marco and Jean out there.

"He will regret this..." Jean said. Marco nodded in agreement.


"Tomorrow is Valentines Day." Eren said out of the random.

"Yeah...why?" You said.

"Why? Valentines Day is the day of love and shit, don't you want to celebrate it...?" Eren asked.

"Yeah, I guess." You said with a smile. The time was 9:08 and you were getting tired.

"I'm going to go to bed." You yawned, walking to Eren's room. He ran to his room, beating you there. He took off his shirt along with his jeans to get dressed in pajamas.

"Smack dat ass." You said, smacking his ass. Eren turned around and pulled you towards him in a playful way.

"Kiss those lips." He said, smashing his lips onto yours. Eren tripped and fell on the bed, bringing you along. You were on top of him, still kissing him. You rolled beside him and he tapped your nose.

"(f/n)...I love you." Eren said.

"I love you-" Your phone started to ring, it was Petra.

"It's Petra." You mouth, answering it.

"OMG OMG OMG GUESS WHAT!!" Petra screamed.

"Calm down Petra, what?" You ask.

"Levi asked me out, and I said yes! Aren't you happy for us?" Petra asked.

"Y-Yeah! I'm happy for you! But I gotta go." You say.

"Okay, have fun in Germany!" Petra said, hanging up. You sighed and put your phone away. Levi would regret this because you and a couple other people knew that she cheated on Erwin with a collage student, and had sex with him. Erwin was heartbroken once he found out, and you didn't want Levi to get his heart broke. They guy Petra cheated with was named Oluo, he had wrinkles, but he was actually a freshmen in collage. He was a huge jerk, he would always abuse Petra, but that dumb bitch stayed with him. Erwin was the exact oppisite. He would care for Petra by giving her those cheesy little gifts and shit like that. He wasn't abusive at all.

" will fucking regret this..." You muttered.


Hey guys! Srry for the short chapter, this one is like a short little one preparing 4 the valentines day chapter i got planning.

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