Chapter Six

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Around 12:00, you trudged to your bed, falling to sleep. Sasha woke you up at 7:00, screaming in your face.

"It's a snow day! No school!" Sasha cheered.

"It still means I have to go to work." You moan.

"Haha! I get to sleep in!" Sasha laughed. You growled and put on your work uniform. Work started at 9:00, and you had two hours.

"Your mom is still sleeping, so make me hashbrowns!" Sasha demanded. You rolled your eyes and got out the pan and the hashbrowns, and started to cook them.

"Mmmmm, they smell good." Sasha said, drooling a bit.

"Screw you Sasha, you owe me after these are done." You say.

"Nah, I would rather clean the bathroom." Sasha said.

"Fine, then you will clean it." You say. After the hashbrowns were done, Sasha didn't leave any for you, which made you hungry.

"Go clean the bathroom." You demanded. She rolled her eyes and trudged to the bathroom.

"I guess i'll have to buy my own sweet at Starbucks." You say, pulling out three bucks from your wallet. You decided to go there early, at 8:00. You unlocked the door and turned the light on. You put the three dollars in the cashier and took out a pastry from the display case. You texted Isabel to see if she was coming, and she said yes.

"At least someone is coming." You say. For the next thirty minutes, you just hung out, until an idea come to your mind.

"I'll skype Eren." You say to yourself. You took out your phone and video called him. Like always, he answers it.

"Hey jackass." You say jokingly. At least Eren knew how to take a joke, and he laughed at your comment.

"Hey gurlfrand." He said, saying it in a sassy tone.

"Where are you?" He asked, noticing you were someplace else.

"Starbucks, I work here." You say. "I only applied for this job to get that ticket."

"Remember what I said, I can pay for your ticket." Eren said.

"It would just be a waste of your money Eren, i'll pay for it." You say.

"No (f/n)! Let me pay for it! I can get a job!" Eren yelled.

"E-Eren...please...just let me pay for it." You say.

"If you really want too, I just wanna see you as soon as possible." Eren said.

"You can help me, but I don't want you paying for the whole ticket." You say.

"Fine, I will help you." Eren said. "There's a German restaurant looking for someone."

"Can you speak German?" You ask.

"Yeah, I can." Eren said.

"Okay, say a sentence in German." You say.

"Ich liebe dich." He said. "It means I love you." You let out a small 'aww'.

"Well, good luck Eren." You say.

"I love you (f/n), and I wanna help you." Eren said. Isabel and Farlan walked through the door.

"We're here!" Isabel shouted.

"Who's that?" Eren asked. Isabel ran up to you and saw Eren.

"Come here Farlan! It's (f/n)'s boyfriend!" Isabel giggled. You blushed a deep red color and so did Eren. Farlan giggled too, making you blush even more.

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