Chapter Twenty

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Happy belated birthday to the biggest douchebag of the story

Sorry for not updating m8s

Here's what you've been waiting for xd


You felt yourself being rolled into the hospital while nurses were panicking to get you to a room. Your eyes were only narrowed open, but you saw Armin running right next to the bed.

"A-Armin?" You studdered. He looked down to you and a smile came across his face.

"(F/n), you're awake!" Armin shouted in glee. You slightly shifted your head to face him. "Where's Eren?" You ask. Armin's smile left and he sighed.

"You just got out of surgery for your dislocated shoulder...Eren is somewhere in this hospital." Armin replied. The nurses rolled you into a room and left you and Armin all alone. Armin sat on the side of the bed.

"Eren's injuries are way worse than yours." Armin said. You quickly sat up and turned to him.

"What type of injuries?!" You asked. Armin sighed and looked down, squeezing his eyes shut. You waited for an answer, but it never came. Hours of silence with Armin just sitting on your bed. It was finally 9:00 and the nurse walked in.

"Miss (l/n)?-"

"Can I go see Eren?" You interrupt. She nodded her head and helped you out of the bed, which you really didn't need. The nurse walked you down a couple hallways until she stopped you at a room. You slowly opened the door and saw Eren sleeping. He had a bandage wrapped his head. You really couldn't see his lower body, since there was a blanket over him. The nurse walked up behind you. "He's in a coma. We predict he'll wake up in a couple days, but we're not really sure." She said. Your eyes widened and you turned to her. "Coma?" You shrieked. The nurse nodded her head yes, with sadness all over her face. You slowly walked over to Eren and sat down next to him on the bed. You caressed his lifeless cheek.

"Eren, if you didn't have bad driving skills..." You whispered. You remember that he didn't even get hit, he just crashed into a ditch. You held back all of your tears once you stood up to go back to your room. Armin was gone once you got back, and you had no way to communicate with him. You crept underneath the covers of the cold bed. You couldn't fall asleep, since you were too busy thinking about Eren in a coma.

"What if he never wakes up?" You ask yourself. You kept asking yourself these things instead of falling asleep. In the middle of the night, you trudged out of your room to go find Eren's. Unluckily, a nurse caught you.

"Miss? What are you doing at this time at night?" She asked. You were so tired, you couldn't even let out a word. Your eyes were like black curtains wanting to close. The nurse guided you back to your room, putting you to sleep.

You felt the sun rise over you. It felt like hours, but you were finally let out of the hospital. Once you got ready to go to the outside world, you stopped by Eren's room. He was still in the same position he was yesterday. He gained back his skin color though, instead of looking pale.

"At least he's doing better." You smiled. The nurse told you to change the bandage every day and to clean the stitches on your shoulder. You left the hospital, taking your first breath of fresh air ever since the car accident. You saw Armin waiting in his own car, he looked up and opened the door for you.

"I guess it's just you and me for a while." Armin said. You jumped in the passenger seat next to him. "Yeah, I guess." You say to him. Armin started to drive back home. Once you got back, there was boxes everywhere.

"I'm leaving in two days," Armin said. "I'll move these boxes, since your shoulder got dislocated." He started to move boxes down to his car. It felt so quiet without Eren, I guess he always started up the conversations. You laid on the couch, waiting for Armin to be done with hauling the boxes to the car. You found a housephone and called up Levi to tell him what happened.

"Hey (f/n), I've got some-"

"I've gotten into a car accident...but I'm fine." You interupt. There was a brief silence between the two of you.

"Are you coming back home?" Levi asks.

"I dunno, if Eren doesn't wake up I will, he's in a coma, by the way." You reply. "So, what did you want to tell me?"

"Never mind." Levi sighed.

"Oh." You softly say.

"Well... I'm gonna go." Levi said. Before you could even say bye, he hung up. That was an awkward conversation.


Levi set his phone on the counter and sighed. Krista walked up to him.

"So, did you tell (f/n) that we lost the apartment?" Krista asked, taking a quick glance of all the boxes around them.

"No," Levi replied.

"I'll just tell her later, but how are we going to get all her crap back to her old house? And where are we gonna live?" Krista said.

"My uncle is selling his house, he'll maybe give it to me for free and then I'll let you live with me." Levi explained.

"I guess we can hire a mover to come and get our stuff. I still can't believe you forgot to pay the rent you fucking dingus." Krista said, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever, just move these boxes to my car." Levi said, tossing Krista the keys. Krista growled and picked up a couple of boxes and walked out of the apartment.


It felt like days, but Armin finally finished moving the boxes to his car. You were trying to fall asleep on the couch. Ever since Eren fallen into a coma, you couldn't sleep properly. You tossed and turned on the couch for hours.

Armin woke you up from your slumber. "Hey, wanna go see Er-"

"Yeah..." You interupt. Armin helped you off of the couch and he walked you downstairs.

"I really don't need your help Armin." You say.

"I'm just trying to be nice." He said. You two got into his car. The SUV was packed with the boxes, so the two seats up front were the only ones available to sit at. Armin drove all the way to the hospital. You saw the nurse from yesterday and she waved to you.

"How are you doing, Miss (l/n)?" She asked.

"I'm good," You reply.

"That's good, you wanna see your friend, right?" You nodded your head and she gave you the floor and the room number. You and Armin got onto the elevator and it went all the way up to the sixth floor. You and Armin walked down the hallway to his room. He was in the same position from yesterday. The monitor was still the same, his heartbeat was faster than before though.

"He'll wake up soon." Armin said, putting his hand on your shoulder. You hesitated, unsure of what to say. "Y-Yeah...I guess..." You walked closer to Eren.

"Eren, please wake up!" You begged. Of course, he didn't. You were losing hope faster and faster.

"Armin...when are you leaving to go to college?" You ask.

"In 3 days." Armin replied. You turned to Eren.

"If you don't wake up in three days, then I'm leaving. I know this is horrible of me...but I can't just sit around and wait for you. I have friends and family waiting for me back at home." You explained to the lifeless looking body. Of course, no answer.

"Tch, let's just go." You say. You followed Armin out of the room into the elevator. "What if he never wakes up?" Armin asked.

"Don't say that, he'll wake up," You say, getting worried. "I just know it."

How 2 not leave gay cliffhangers

But rest in kill eren

But wot if eren was not kill?

Im not going to be updating often because im not a weeaboo like i used to be xd

You should read top kek kidz if u haven't

Stay tuned for chapter 21 mates

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