Chapter Four

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A/N: This chapter is for all the Jeanmarco shippers (≧∇≦)

You woke up on the sunny, but cold Indianapolis day, on Tuesday. Sasha kept reminding you that you should tell Eren your feelings on Friday.

"Sasha, quit worrying about that, we have to go to school." You say.

"I'm just so impaitent...I just can't wait!" Sasha shouted. You just giggled a little, and went to your car, not even eating breakfast.

"Today is the history test with Mr. Woerman, you think we will pass it?" You ask.

"Nah...I always gotten C's in that class." Sasha said.

"I actually study." You say.

"I don't." Sasha laughed. You started to drive to the school, where you trudged out of your car, and into homeroom. Like always, you sat next to Petra.

"Hey." Petra said.

"Did you study for that test?" You ask.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get an A plus on that test, and i'll show Mr. Woerman!" Petra said. No one has ever gotten an A plus on one of his tests.

"Doubt it." You say. When you finally got to fourth period with Sasha, he dropped a big text book on your desk.

"(l/n), why did you skip out on detention yesterday?" He asked. Shit, you forgot to go to detention yesterday.

"I-I can explain!" You say.

"Explain to me then." He said.

"I had work yesterday..." You lie.

"I think detention is a little more important." Mr. Woerman said.

"I think my job is a little more important!" You say, with a little bit of sass in the tone of your voice.

"Where do you work?" He asked.

"Starbucks." You reply. He narrowed his eyes into yours, picking up the text book.

"You are lucky I like Starbucks." Mr. Woerman said. It was true, he did. He always came into class with a different drink each day. Mr. Woerman started to pass out the WWII tests you studied for all week. It had four stapled pages with a lot of questions on each page.

"You have an hour to do this test, and then class will be dismissed." Mr. Woerman said.

"I hate him." Sasha said. She nearly hated every teacher in the school, even Mrs. Brzenska.

"We all do Sasha." You say, starting the test that you knew was going to be long and boring. You dropped your pencil on your desk and put your hands through your hair.

'What the hell is this supposed to mean?' You thought. Tests gave you a lot of stress, which ment you didn't finish them quite often. After an hour was up, you scribbled the last question down on the paper, with your hand in horrible pain. Mr. Woerman collected your papers. The bell rung, which ment fifth period. Math. Only Jean and Marco were in that boring class with you, and it wasn't always fun. Jean sat right next to you, with Marco a couple rows down.

"What the answer to 12532 divided by 243?" Jean whispered. You let out a deep sigh, and showed him how to long divide.

"Thanks." Jean said, smiling.

"No problem." You say, getting back to work. After you were done with the dreadful work, the teacher just told you to read.

"Shoot me now, shoot me now, shoot me now." You kept repeating. You were tired, and you rested your head against the cold wooden desk. You rested your eyes, waiting for math to be over. Once the bell rung, you grabbed your tennis shoes, and ran to PE. Luckly for you, all of your friends were in your class. You put on your ugly gym uniform in the locker room, while Petra was whispering something to Hanji.

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