Chapter Twelve

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"Wait, wait, wait? Petra...likes me?" Levi asked, running up to you.

"Yeah, she told me to tell you." You say. He blushed a little and he looked down.

"So...are you sure, because-"

"Yes, i'm positive."

"Let's go to bed, i'm tired." Levi said, wanting to change the topic. You grabbed Krista, and she shared the full size bed with you. You fell asleep first.

"F-Four more days..." You say in your sleep. Krista giggled, and fell asleep.


You woke up, looking outside. There was a fresh layer of snow, looked like it was around a foot of snow.

"School closing." You say. But then you remembered on school closings you had work early.

"I should just quiiiitttt my job." You say, climbling over Krista to get out of bed. You got ready and put your green apron on.

"Levi? Where are you?" You ask. He was out in the living room.

"I was waiting for you." Levi said.

"Wait, lemme do something first." You say. You got out a paper and pen telling Krista you were going to work.

"A note....are you serious?" Levi asked.

"Yeah, i'm pretty oldschool." You say. When you got to work, your boss gave you a promotion to assistant manager, which ment you made 10 more dollars an hour. You also got some days off.

"Lucky..." Isabel muttered.

"I don't even know how I got that promotion." You say.

"It's because the boss likes you (f/n), he hates the rest of us." Isabel said.

"Get back to work Isabel!" Mr. Canary said aka Mr. Scary.

"Screw my life." Isabel said. Petra walked in, and Mr. Scary gave her a death glare.

"Look who came a customer." He said. Petra got fired right when you got accepted into the job. She just looked to the side and gritted her teeth.

"I'll have this." Petra said, grabbing one of those Smartwaters out of the bin.

"That will be $2.09." Isabel said. Petra handed her the cash, and grabbed the water from the counter. She looked at Levi, and Levi looked back at her. Right when she was gonna walk out the door, Levi called out her name.

"Petra!" She turned around.

"What is it, Levi?" She asked.

"I wanna talk to you." Levi said.

"Make it quick Ackerman!" Mr. Scary said. Levi rolled his eyes and faced torwards Petra.

"Come here." He said. Petra walked up to the counter.

"Yes Levi! What is it?" She asked.

"I like someone else." Levi said.

"Oh, who is it?" Petra asked. He whispered your name in her ear.

"I knew it!" Petra said, angry.

"Don't hate me for it!" Levi shouted. "You're just not my type."

The next thing you saw was Petra running out the door, crying. Everyone looked at Levi, even the customers.

"Whatever you said Levi, you hurt her feelings." Isabel said.

"I just told her who I liked." Levi said.

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