Chapter Seven

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You pulled up to Levi's house, and it looked like it was about to collapse.

'Does he really live in these conditions?' You thought.

"Yeah, this is my house...don't judge it." Levi said. You wanted to shout all the things wrong with it, but you didn't want to hurt Levi's feelings.

"It's alright...I guess." You say.

"Do you just wanna go somewhere else?" Levi asked.

"I don't care, where ever you wanna go." You say.

"I hate my home, let's just go to your place." Levi said. You started to drive to your house, and your mom was standing in the middle of the driveway.

"What are you doing mom?" You ask.

"So...this Eren Jaeger boy lives in Germany, huh?" She asked.

"Y-Yes..." You say.

"(f/n) (m/n) (l/n)! I don't want you talking to him ever again!" She shouted. Once you heard that, you jumped out of the car.

"But mom!...I love him!!" You scream. She gasped and backed away a few steps.

"(F/N)!! I forbid you to talk to him!" Your mom shouted.

"Mom! You don't get it! Eren is special...he would never do something to harm me!" You exclaim.

"I'm just trying to keep you safe!" She yelled. Tears were rolling down her cheek, and you were crying too.

"Mom, i'm almost an adult, I can do whatever I want!" You say.

"Fine (f/n)! I'm kicking you out of the house. If you think you are an adult." Your mom said. Kicking you out? Your mom would never do that, especially for this reason.

"Who will I go too?" You ask.

"Go to Jean's house or something, I don't wanna look at you." She said. That hurt. She walked inside and you sat on the ground, hugging your knees. Levi got out, and sat next to you.

"Tch, stop crying (f/n), I don't like seeing you like this." Levi said. You wiped a tear off of your cheek.

"Where will I go?" You ask. It took a moment for Levi to answer.

"Let's rent an apartment, together." Levi said.

"Apartments are a lot of money for rent, are you sure?" You ask.

"I'll pay for it, you get your ticket to Germany." Levi said, rubbing your back. Levi wasn't too caring to anyone else, except you, which surprised you.

"Aw, thanks Levi! You're the best!" You say.

"How will we move our stuff though?" Levi asked.

"Moving truck, i'll call one after i'm done packing my clothes." You say. Levi helped you up off of the ground, and you two went inside. Sasha was arguing with your mom.

"You can't kick (f/n) out of the house!" Sasha yelled.

"She's probably talking to a pervert online! Do you think I wanna see her face!?" Your mom shouted. You and Levi tried to ignore them while you stuffed clothes in a box.

"I'm gonna have to leave some stuff behind." You say.

"You have a lot of clothes (f/n)." Levi said.

"Thanks, I actually bought them with my own money." You say.

"Just take whatever you can." Levi said.

"Alright." You say.

~The Next Day, After School~

You called a moving truck, while Sasha was trying to convince your mom to let you stay.

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