Chapter 12

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"Morning girlie!" Josie said flipping on my bed as I groaned craving to sleep more.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"I still cant believe that this is real." Josie gasped opening the curtains and checking the view.

She was already fully dressed and the sun was already high in the sky.

"What time is it?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"It's noon! I finally decided to come and wake you, it was getting boring and I already called Steve, and your boyfriend went out in this big festival thing or something the whole royal family made a big fuss, so many people were outside the gates. Sam you should have seen it." Josie rambled. I sat up and looked around my room. Mine as well get dressed and stuff.

"When is Lucas gunna be back?" I said sort of sad he didn't even ask me to go.

"Not sure, why? Are you those clingy girlfriends now?!" She chuckled and shoved my shoulder. I shook it off and went to the bathroom to get dressed.

After my shower I threw my wet hair into a floppy bun and put on some ripped denim shorts and some combat boots I found on the floor, I think they were Josie's. I also had on a army green t-shirt with my silver cross necklace.

Josie was still in my room mesmerized by the TV.

I walked by her and turned my attention to the stables below me as I was now standing on the balcony.

I looked over at Dorothy slow galloping around inside the fences. She looked sick, it hurts a lot to know she has cancer.

"Jo, I'm gunna be gone for a bit. See us later." I said heading downstairs to go to the stables.

I was walking along the field and it was sort of weird because at my house all of the grass is yellow and we have dust and dirt flying everywhere with corn fields left and right and my horses fit perfectly in with the scenery.

It's a little different here, with thick green moist grass and tall plump flowers with beautifully painted fences. It's still enjoyable though.

"Hello?" I said walking into the place.

"Hello?" I said again. Maybe Dominick is on break?

"Who is it?"Dominick said bluntly as he walked out of a stall with a brush and a towel.

"Oh it's just you." He said sort of relieved.

"Yea it's just me." I said and chuckled.

"You know I didn't mean it like that." He chuckled back. He's being friendly today, yay!

"So you actually came." He said in disbelief.

"Hey I keep my word! And plus Lucas went off somewhere without me." I mumbled the last few words annoyed a little.

"Well that's okay, go fill up some buckets of water for Dorothy she needs a lot more than the others.

I sighed and grabbed a few buckets in the corner. Why won't he just tell me she has cancer? Why does he like secrets so much?

"Where is the water pump?" I asked searching around outside now.

"To your left by the door." He yelled back.

Yay! Found it! I filled two buckets up and went inside and placed them in her stall. She was laying down and she was weaker than she was yesterday. How bad has it gotten?

"Dominick, how long does she have left?" I asked a serious question. I could tell this horse means a lot to him.

"I don't want to talk about it, not too long." He said looking away.

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