Chapter 16

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We were on the plane and I watched the white wisps float without any emotions weighing them down. My guilt felt like I swallowed cement and it was resting in my chest.

Dominick hasn't left my brain all day and and I was silent ever since my talk with has dad. Josie noticed, she has been so good to me this whole trip and is letting me have my space. I always take her for granted and that's just another thing to make me feel more guilty.

I'm going back home, I left and I don't have anyone while just days ago it felt as if everyone was in love with me. I knew it was too good to be true.

"Hey, Sam." Josie comforted resting her head on my shoulder. I watched her hand wander to her pocket.

"He gave this to me, through the mail. Through the mail..." She muttered with a slight chuckle of disbelief.

I saw it, In a small velvet box. It was an engagement ring. From her boyfriend Steve. I knew he had moved all of her stuff to his place, I thought he would wait to propose.

"Ha, that's like Steve." I chuckled.

"Yea, he sent me a letter. I read it about a thousand times, you weren't even aware." she sighed.

"That's because you never told me." I started to get defensive.

"That's because you were never around, Sam I know this trip was for you. But, I get engaged, and I can't even celebrate with me best friend because she's wrapped up in boys who don't even matter, at the end of the day it was me who dried your tears." She said emotionless but I could tell she was hurt.

Usually I would argue some more but she was one hundred percent right.

"Josie, I am sorry. ...Congratulations." I tried to muster a smile but it was a failed attempt.

"... thanks." She said and not really excited.

"Do you think I should marry him?" Josie blurted quickly after.

"What? Of course you guys love each other." I said shocked she would even bring that up.

"Yea but, he proposed to through the mail!" She said and flailed her arms up in the air.

"But that's Steve, that's his style. Trust me he probably has something way bigger planned as soon as we step off of this plane." I said which could probably be true.


Dominick's pov:

"Mom, I should really unpack. I don't want to go back to the airport, who knows I might just go back." I tried to sway my mother to not take me to some engagement surprise party for her co-worker. She said it was some girl who was on vacation and when she lands her boyfriend is gunna woo her or something. I wish him luck, I give up on women. I just give up on everything.

"Stop being all willy-nilly! You are going! It'd be perfect to meet everyone in the community!" She hushed me up. I rolled my eyes and adjusted to the home I haven't seen in over a decade. I knew my dad was expecting me to leave, he just didn't know when. I feel bad but I know it was the right decision.

"Come on son! We don't want to be late!" She said getting into her old rusty truck.

I groaned and climbed into the bed of the truck since her purse took up the whole passenger seat. I stuck an old tan baseball cap on my tangled curly hair. My tan skin was getting burnt on the shoulders so even though it was 80 degrees I put on a plain grey un-zipped sweater with some long jean shorts and sandals that were totally beat up. I didn't unpack so this was all my mom had to give me.

I walked into the airport and saw a crowd of people. I was here just earlier today so if wasn't that exciting.

"Oh my baby! I missed you so much!" I saw my moms boss hug Sam as her and Josie walked off the plane.

"Jos! I love you so much! Come her I missed you!" Some tall guy said and picked up Josie and spun her around while he kissed her with about two dozen roses in his hand.

I didn't care about that, I cared that Sam came back here. She is standing right there. She kept looking at her feet and didn't look as excited as you'd expect someone to be when their best friend is getting engaged.

Should I walk up to her? No, I wouldn't want to get humiliated and beat up again.

I continued to stare from a distance. Maybe I shod go home, that's what I'm wanted to do in the first place.

Suddenly I felt red flush to my cheeks and my eyes averted her gaze as I noticed her look back at me. My palms got sweaty and she began to approach me.

I felt more at ease when I saw her face light up.

"What are you doing here?" Sam said, she was an arms length away and I could smell her perfume.

"I-uh my mom was invited, it's Yano -a- engagement thing? Josie right?" I stuttered and scratched the back of my neck.

"Yea, well I'm glad I got to see you again. I really didn't know what I was going to do, you just left and I didn't know what to do." She sighed and wrapped herself in my arms.

"Alright baby, we will talk later ok? It's not the time right now. I'll take you to my place after this." I said instantly falling back in love with her. I couldn't help myself she's my darling.

She looked at me and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Okay, sure." She said softly and went back to the party and net up with Josie. She looked in much higher spirits.

I found a bench away from all of the commotion and sat down. I was very pleased that I came, I was sort of now just waiting for Sam to say she is ready to leave and we can actually talk about what happened. As cute as she is, she blew up on me and really hurt me physically and emotionally. What really added to the pain was my horse, if I even thought about anything deeper that this I am going to be in tears so I decided to change the subject.

The Yankees played last night, lost..... Thank the lord Red Sox all the way. Who am I kidding I didn't even watch the game, It just heard it from the person sitting next to me reading the newspaper.


It's been two hours and I just woke up, still on that bench. My back hurts so much now but most of the crowd has gone home or I think to the actual venue.

I sat up quickly to search for Sam incase she went home.

I saw my mom and Sam's mom having a conversation with Sam in a chair swinging her feet back and forth.

She looked at me across the way and blushed.

I walked over tower and grabbed her hand that fit perfectly in mine.

"Let's go to that bench, the one that you seemed to make look soooo comfortable." She said sarcastically.

We sat down and I noticed that guy who was talking about baseball had left his paper hear. I picked it up and started flipping through it.

"Oh my god!" Sam screamed like she was being murdered. She snatched the paper and flipped it over so I could see what she was looking at.

"That's me! Oh my god, this is horrible! That's MY DINER!" She screamed frantically about the headline.

Prince's Girlfriend Heads Home: Will They Handle Long Distance?

It showed an old picture of Lucas and Sam in New York kissing and then a picture of her diner. That means they are here in Langston. They followed her.

"This is bad." I groaned and leaned back.

"I know! My mom is going to flip out! They are just going to post more and more rumors!" She sighed.

"It's going to be alright, no one reads these things anyway (I lied) let's go back to my place. I really wanna talk about us, I know it's not the best time but I have to do it now so I can either start moving on or moving forward with you."

Authors note: thanks for reading this far guys! I love the characters in this story so much!!! XOXO this chapter is dedicated to -CrazyMadHatter- CUZ whoever loves GMW deserves to be noticed 😊

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