Chapter 6

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(Y/N) felt like she could pass out any minute. She didn't want to go. It brought too many bad memories but she went anyway. She had to. For the sake of Bird Island.

"Are you okay?"

(Y/N) blinked, Chuck's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked over at her yellow bird friend. "Huh?"

"Well, you just have this face. Like this!" Chuck made an exaggerated worried face.

(Y/N) scoffed. "I'm fine, and I don't look like that!" she exclaimed, then, there was some uncomfortable silence. "By the way, what year is your sister in?" (Y/N) asked Chuck, trying to make some small talk.

"I think she's a second year grad student!" he replied as he smiled proudly.

(Y/N) nodded. "Oh, wow," she muttered.

They finally arrived on campus and there were birds outside, some going back to their dorms while others were going to their classes. There were some birds in the distance who were playing frisbee.

Chuck continued to talk about his sister, "Yeah, I mean, we all just thought she was weird, you know? She skipped four grades, won an Engineer of the Year Award, and got a scholarship at Avian Academy!" he explained.

(Y/N) was thoroughly impressed, however, she couldn't help but feel jealous. She wished she could be that smart.

"Perfect! That is exactly what we're looking for," Red exclaimed.

"You are absolutely gonna love her!" Chuck said with a grin. He then ran in front of Red and placed a wing on his chest. "But don't love her too much. That's my sister, Red." Suddenly, Chuck's voice deepened and curled his wings. "Or I'll crush every bone in your body!" The bird turned his head, his eye widen along with his grin. "Oh! Frisbee!" He then zoomed off.

(Y/N) blinked a few times and glanced over at Red. "What was that?" (Y/N) asked.

Red shrugged, not sure what to say. Chuck came back and said he found where the Engineering Building was. As they were walking towards the building, (Y/N) caught a glimpse of someone. Immediately, she felt her soul leave her body. "Awe, shit!" she cursed under her breath. She ran to the back of the group and hid behind Leonard.

"Are you alright?" Red asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"(Y/N), what are you--" Leonard was about to ask.

"Nothing! Shut up! Keep going!" (Y/N) exclaimed quietly.

The group glanced at each other confused but continued to keep on walking.

'Okay, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic.'

There was a high-pitched gasp. "Is that who I think it is?"

'Panic! Panic! Panic! Shit ! I'm so fucked!'

The group turned around. (Y/N) stared down at the ground, shaking where she stood.

'Oh, fuck! What do I do?!'

"Hey girlie! Why are you here? Didn't you like, drop out or something?"

'Shit. How did she find out? I guess it would have been obvious.'

(Y/N) wanted to burst into tears. It was a secret she kept from everyone, especially from Red. She felt ashamed she couldn't be smart. She felt ashamed that she failed. (Y/N) took in a deep breath as she shut her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows. She turned towards the bird with squinted eyes. "Yes..." (Y/N) sighed.

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