Chapter 10

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After going down a few ladders, Leonard finally led them to some sort of waiting area. "Alright, everyone! Make yourself comfortable and we will be right back!" He walked towards a yellow curtain with a large light yellow pig snout design. He went behind it and then disappeared along with Courtney.

"Hmm, the acoustics sounds very nice in here," (Y/N) commented as she took a seat by the window. Red walked beside her and decided to take a seat next to her.

Mighty Eagle took a seat on the opposite side of the small waiting area, he had to slouch as he was too tall for the room. Immediately, he fell asleep within seconds.

"You're right! It does sound nice," Chuck said enthusiastically, and then suddenly, he started to sing operatically.

'Ah damn it, I shouldn't have said anything.'

Chuck leaned against Red dramatically. As he sang, Silver joined in and squeezed between (Y/N) and Red. The silver bird was facing toward Chuck, which meant Silver's feet were in (Y/N)'s face, while Red was squished in between the two siblings. (Y/N) growled in annoyance, not enjoying Silver's feet shoved in her face.

Being so close to them, their singing was also ear-piercing.

Then Bomb, who was standing on the opposite side of the room, was watching the two birds through a pair of theater binoculars with tears streaming down his face. He then joined the two birds, shocking (Y/N), Red, Silver, and Chuck. They had all flinched back in surprise at his even higher-pitched voice. The singing from Silver and Chuck stopped as they gaped at Bomb. He walked towards the four birds and laid down dramatically in front of them as he finished up singing.

Red slouched into his chair and placed his fingers up on the bridge of his beak as he sighed. "Wow..."

"Wow, indeed," (Y/N) added. It felt like she just watched a fever dream come to life.

Meanwhile, Silver was clapping softly and Chuck had his eyes closed with a smile, nodding in approval at Bomb.

(Y/N) suddenly heard a horn imitation sound coming from behind the curtain. "Berm berm berm beerrrmmm!" Leonard pushed the curtain to the side and looked excited.

Mighty Eagle sat up as he woke up with a gasp and ended up hitting his head on the ceiling. "Ow!"

(Y/N) was surprised he was able to sleep through the three bird's shenanigans but got woken up by a pig's imitated mouth horn noise.

Leonard started to announce something. "Ladies and gentlemen" -He gave the group a grin and a wink, along with a little tiptoe dance- "I'd like to introduce you to our master of gadgetry..."

"Gary!" Both Leonard and Courtney exclaimed.

Leonard and Courtney stepped to the side. Which then revealed a small short pig. He was wearing big orange glasses, he had scraggly hair along with facial hair above his lip and on his chin. He was also wearing a white v-neck t-shirt with a beige-colored cardigan. Chuck started to cheer with excitement while Silver and Bomb clapped excitedly. Mighty Eagle was giving him a big grin. Red wasn't really reacting and was still slouched in his chair. (Y/N) smiled, but then went away immediately as she noticed that this 'Gary' guy didn't look excited nor happy. Didn't look nervous either. Didn't even smile.

"This is it?" Gary said, clearly not impressed with the whole group.

All at the same time, Silver stopped clapping along with Chuck and both gave the pig a confused look. Bomb frowned and stopped clapping, furrowing his red eyebrows. Mighty Eagle still had his grin, but it was now forced as it turned to a frowned grin. Red sat up from his slouched position with raised eyebrows as he was surprised to hear such a question. (Y/N), like the others, was taken aback by the question and glanced at the others and back at Gary with scrunched eyebrows. It was clear from the get-go he didn't look happy but (Y/N) was not expecting that question.

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