Chapter 11

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(Y/N) climbed up the ladder and then stepped off to the side where there was an opening. She looked around her surroundings and saw that there wasn't really much to see, it was very plain. (Y/N) continued to walk around the quiet corridors as the nails on her feet clacked on the ground with each step.

To get to Eagle Island, it will apparently take almost twenty-four hours to get there, the reason why the pigs and the birds never really realized that there was another island around. So, keeping that in her mind, there should be some rooms to sleep in. At least, (Y/N) assumed so.

There were a few doors on the floor (Y/N) was on. They were all white with small handles to pull open the doors. She walked over to one of the doors and it was numbered '100'. (Y/N) pulled on the door handle, but it seemed like it was locked. "Damn it..." she spat. She walked over to the next door and it was locked too. (Y/N) went to the next one and then the next and they were all locked.

The small bird sighed in disappointment, discovering nothing interesting. She noticed another ladder, this one had a sign with a pointed down arrow. It was numbered '200-1100'. (Y/N) raised her eyebrows in surprise.

'That's a lot of floors to get to.'

She walked over to the ladder and went down a floor. When she got to the next floor, she saw the first door to her right, it was numbered '200'. She made her way over to it and pulled on the handle, then, there was a sound of a click. (Y/N) felt excitement all over her body, she opened the door, ready to explore.

The door finally fully opened, and with a half-lidded expression, (Y/N) frowned. It was just a broom closet. She went inside, to see if there was anything interesting.

'I mean, can't judge a book by its cover, right?'

Unfortunately, in this case, the first impression counts. She let out a groan in disappointment. But, (Y/N) found something on a shelf. It looked like a pig might have left it there by accident. She picked it up and realized it looked like a small rectangle thing that Courtney always carried, but in the color silver. It looked like a phone. This was the first time that she had ever held one in her wings. (Y/N) never really seen any bird carry one on Bird Island, except this one bird when (Y/N) was attending Avian Academy. Although, this phone looked way different and more high-tech. There was also a pair of earbuds that were plugged into it.

(Y/N) was about to turn around when she heard someone spoke up, "Uh, what are you doing in the broom closet?"

She let out a squeak and turned around. (Y/N) saw Leonard just standing there with an eyebrow raised. He seemed like he was curious and confused.

"Oh, uhm, I was just exploring." (Y/N) began chuckling sheepishly.

"Ooh okay?" Leonard said as he still had a confused face.

There was an awkward silence between (Y/N) and Leonard. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Ahem. Uhm, anyways, I came to look for you so I can show you to your room."

(Y/N) lit up, completely forgetting about it. "Oh! Okay."

As she walked out of the broom closet, Leonard noticed what she was holding and pointed at it. " Where did you find that?" he asked (Y/N).

She looked down at the device she was holding and shrugged, looking back up at Leonard. "I just found it in there." (Y/N) said as she gestured to the closet behind her. "Can I have it?" she asked with a grin. (Y/N) always wanted a phone, but never could afford one. They're very rare to get, so, many birds don't really have them.

Leonard wasn't sure at first, but he just shrugged. "Eh, why not. Finder's keepers."

(Y/N) silently cheered to herself, happy with his decision.

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