Chapter 7

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The group walked through the halls, looking into various different classrooms. Meanwhile, Chuck zoomed around the whole building easily.

As the rest were walking around, they saw a few birds leaving a lecture hall. The group began hearing a frantic professor trying to finish up his next week's exam and homework reminders.

"I think Chuck went in there," (Y/N) said as she pointed at the wooden double doors where a few students were still exiting.

Red led the group. He walked into the now-empty lecture hall and stared at the papers that were scattered everywhere from the last class. Red started to call out for Chuck, "Hello? You in here? Hello?"

(Y/N) called out to her friend too, "Hey, where are ..." As she turned her head, she had to pause mid-sentence. Her eyes, slowly widen in shock. There was a silver bird that (Y/N) met last night. It was the same bird who had the clipboard and the weird formula bullshit. The same one that made her angry. (Y/N)'s eyes then moved, seeing Chuck standing beside her. Then it clicked.

"You?!" (Y/N) and Red shouted in unison.

(Y/N) felt Red's gaze as he probably stared at her in confusion.

"You?!" the silver bird replied in shock. She had her eyebrows furrowed and was also squinting towards Red and (Y/N).

Red looked over at the bird with scrunched eyebrows. "You," Red growled angrily and glared at her.

(Y/N) was also squinting her eyes at the female bird.

'Of fucking course it's her!'

Her face then slightly scrunched up, cringing at the thought of this bird and Chuck being together, now that she knows that they were related.

"You know her?" Red whispered over to (Y/N).

She glanced over at Red and just gave him a nervous smile and shrugged at him, not answering his question.

"Wait," Chuck's sister began. "You know these two?" she asked out loud, looking over at Chuck.

For some odd reason, Chuck didn't speak clearly, instead, he sounded muffled. "Mmnph mhhh mph!" he said through his beak.

'I think he said "I would answer but you jinxed me!"'

"Oh, okay," the silver bird replied with a smile as she touched his beak. "Chuck, I unjinx you," she commanded.

Chuck made a little shout and zoomed over to Red and (Y/N). He stood between them and placed his wings around the two birds. "They're my best buddies, Red and (Y/N)." He then zoomed behind Bomb and Leonard and placed each wing on their shoulders. "These are the guys!"

"Hi. We're the guys," Bomb said, smiling at the silver bird.

Chuck zoomed back toward the silver bird and placed his wings around her. "Guys, this is Silver, the greatest kid sister in the world!"

Silver smiled and did a little eye roll. "I'm not exactly a kid anymore, Chuck."

The yellow bird started to give Silver a rough noogie. "Oh, you'll always be my kid sister!" he exclaimed through his grin.

"Okay," Silver grunted in annoyance as she pushed Chuck off of her. "Hey, everyone!" she greeted as she waved at the group of four.

(Y/N) silently looked away as she tried hard not to roll her eyes in frustration.

"You know, I just don't think this is gonna work," Red commented.

Chuck and Silver seem to slightly frown at Red's comment. He continued, "It's just that I'm not sure you're gonna be compatible with the team," he said, and then let out a small chuckle. He continued to have a small smile on his face with his wings crossed.

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