Chapter 9

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"Oops! Sorry! Coming through!" Bomb grunted, as he moved everyone out of the way and got on Mighty Eagle's back. The large black bird decided he wanted to get up front, right behind (Y/N).

(Y/N) opened her eyes and realized she had her whole face shoved in Red's back, she was about to push herself away from him but Bomb just pushed her back in, unintentionally.

Although, it seemed like Red didn't even notice and was too shocked by what just had happened. "Wow! That was crazy!" he yelled as he held his head.

Chuck stood on top of Bomb as he grabbed his head feather. "We could've died!" Chuck muttered in shock.

Silver popped up behind Bomb. "Thanks for saving our lives, Mighty Eagle!" Silver exclaimed happily.

(Y/N) wanted to say something nice, but she wasn't in the right mood. She sighed to herself and glanced up, her eyes went wide as she opened her beak to speak.

Mighty Eagle smiled up at the group on his back. "Well, you can always count on--" He ended up smashing into a giant cliff really hard. Everyone started to fall as they rolled down the rocky cliff side. The large eagle fell down the fastest and (Y/N) had no idea where he went, but she couldn't really see anything anyways.

(Y/N) yelped in pain after each roll. Everything was the color of the sky, the rocks, and the greenery, all spun and mixed together. Eventually, she stopped rolling and the small bird was looking straight down into the forest, still falling.

Through all the yelling, she heard Red shout the loudest and said, "Everyone, grab the map!"

(Y/N) looked over and everyone was finding their spots already. She reached for the map but couldn't get a good hold of the parchment and fell below it. Instead, she grabbed onto Silver's legs. Miraculously, the flat map turned into a large parachute.

"Hey, it's working!" Red exclaimed breathlessly.

However, there wasn't a lot of control. The map parachute started to move with the wind, roughly, and everyone was back to shouting again. As the wind carried them, they were met with two giant cliffs with only a small space between them.

"Left! Left! Lean to the left!" Red shouted.

Everyone leaned their bodies to the left, turning the map parachute, and right in between the two cliffs. They quickly all made it to the other side and everything started to calm down. Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, glad that's over," (Y/N) commented with a heavy exhale, out of breath from yelling. Then, there was the sound of a giant rip. "Uhmmmm?!" (Y/N) exclaimed as her eyes darted up.

"Please tell me that was your pants ripping," Chuck asked out loud.

Bomb replied, "I don't wear pants!"

"None of us wear pants!" Everyone else shouted in unison.

The hole in the map got bigger and (Y/N) let out a gasp as everything was at a standstill.

"Uh-oh," Leonard muttered.

Everyone was back to falling again as they all gripped onto the map, or someone's legs, for dear life.

"Oh, shit!" (Y/N) screamed while everyone was spinning around. "What should we do!?"

(Y/N) heard Silver mutter something, but because of the screams and the wind, she couldn't really make out what she said. Until she spoke up louder. "(Y/N)! I'm going to swing you up and I need you to tie the hole closed with the Super String," Silver shouted down at (Y/N).

She forgot she had the string around her body the whole time but (Y/N) didn't hesitate to object. " What?! Are you--"

"You're small enough to fit through the hole. I can't do it. If I let go, you'll fall!" Silver yelled through the commotion.

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